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Panel for 3D models preview


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We can see in LE3D the great new panel to browse textures to apply them on models or levels !


Could it be possible to have some simple 3D model single window preview ?

Like textures preview, but you would only display 3D meshs preview in some simple White Solid mode without any textures and any shader ?


Some use could be if we had different bridge Tiles or pieces , previewing them on a thumbnail could avoid us to lauch some 3D software :D

Stop toying and make games

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Originally, I used small 16x16 or 32x32 icons and listed the files in a tree view, and had a 3D preview window. The icons were too small to identify, and the tree view took up a ton of vertical space. Increasing the icon size resulted in the folder icons also increasing, and taking up even more vertical space. I found it was way easier to identify assets just by looking at them, rather than reading the names, so I wanted big icons, but I needed some way to make it all fit.


Instead of a preview panel, I found it was best to use thumbnail icons for the asset files. You can find the file you want more easily, without reading the name, and you can see all assets in a folder at once. If you want to see the model in more detail, double-click on the icon and it opens up in its own window.


I went through a lot of different layouts and tried many approaches, and this gave the best results when working with it.


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It's perfect like that :)

We could have some 45° top down view, but really even orthographic is great.

Now if we have lot of 3D pieces, it will be easy just to click on it ,to see if it is the good model we are going to drop on the world !

LE3D will rock !

Stop toying and make games

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I like this front view but if I look at a 45degree ortho-view it looks to wired to my eye. I work all the time with perspective view in 3d.


I think ortho is more used at Ingeneering and not games. ZBRush got perspective view a few releases ago because people demanded it.


So I vote for: Perspective. :)

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In fact what counts is to recognize your 3D model, even Ortho view would suffice !

For viewing your model under all angles and details you have to use your 3D modeler indeed; this thumbnail view is just some helper in the 3D World editor, it's not destined for 3D model view in detail.

But i agree in the 45° top down view !

Stop toying and make games

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Orthographic rendering makes more efficient use of the pixel space. With perspective rendering, more than 50% of the pixels in the thumbnail will be blank. But I agree the default view should be perspective at a 45 degree angle on all axes.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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