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LME basic


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File Name: LME basic

File Submitter: Aily

File Submitted: 17 Jul 2011

File Category: Shaders


Leadwerks Material Editor (LME) for Leadwerks 2.3 and 2.4 just in 3DS MAX viewport.

Many thanks to Omid for idea and beta-testing



You see same picture in MAX viewport and Leadwerks engine.

One click to export entire model with multiple materials.


Materials features:






cast shadows



diffuse map

bump map

cubemap reflection map

spec/gloss/reflection map


shader effects:



bump strenght

fresnel reflections (fake carpaint)

mix two materials "on-the-fly" by vertex color "R" using 2 layer diffuse alpha channel as mask blended edges


Why it need to use:

Very fast and easy model texturing by grass, dirt, e.t.c.


LME divided to 3 parts:


1. "LME_TWO_LAYERS.fx" - 3DS MAX HLSL viewport shader

2. "LME_mesh.frag, LME_mesh.vert" - Leadwerks GLSL shaders with same features as "LME_TWO_LAYERS.fx"

3. Modified Arbuz's material exporter for exporting materials from MAX to Leadwerks




Turn off 3DS MAX and Leadwerks editor!


1. Copy "LME_TWO_LAYERS.fx" to "3DSMAX/maps/fx"

2. Copy "GMF_MaterialExporter.ms" to "3DSMAX/scripts/startup"

3. Copy "LME_mesh.frag, LME_mesh.vert" to "Leadwerks SDK/shaders/mesh" or your Leadwerks project shaders/mesh


Now you can see video how it works.



On some machines meshes with vertex colors rendering some slower.

LME is calculating every material as if it with bump map, so some 1-2 FPS will be lost (not so crytical)

Cubemap reflection is a heavy effect, so not need to waiting from it space ship speed.


Click here to download this file

"Better" is big enemy of "good"

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