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Critics wanted on my Cellman


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Hi folks. Some of you may have followed my transition from programmer to 3D modeler and the current result. Although I'm quite happy so far I would appreciate some critics that moves me into a direction on what fix. This model is going to be animated using Reverse IK and mostly visible at some meters distance (Third Person Camera), but both the hands and the head will have some close ups in some situations. There will only be one of this model present in the game.


I made this guy by first creating a naked male using MakeHuman. This male I then imported to 3DCoat where I used the re-topology tool to make a low-poly version (2500 polys). This version has then refined further both in 3DCoat and Cinema 4D. This has been a very interesting journey and when making next character I will follow this path but with some modification. I will then start with MakeHuman and then use that result in 3DCoat as a Voxel object. All sculpting and detailing can the be done on the Voxel. Next step will be to use the new Auto Retopology tool in 3DCoat to create a low poly mesh, which the will further refined for animation in Cinem4D.


Anyway, here is some pictures of current state.

So! Do you see parts that needs to be fixed and further worked on,

or have some other thoughts about this guy or creating characters in general.



Roland :D











Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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Well Roland, not sure I can offer any artistic criticism (the last character I modelled was a box lol) ..


But I like it :D

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"I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head"

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The nose looks too short, the upper lip too long, and the cheeks right next to the mouth are puffy. The mouth looks a bit swollen and malformed. The ears may be disproportionately small.


The proportions of the body are great. It actually looks like a human being, not a comic book character.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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  On 8/4/2010 at 2:59 PM, Josh said:

The nose looks too short, the upper lip too long, and the cheeks right next to the mouth are puffy. The mouth looks a bit swollen and malformed. The ears may be disproportionately small.


The proportions of the body are great. It actually looks like a human being, not a comic book character.


Thanks for your input Josh.


In fact, now when you pinpoint the problems, I can actually see them myself.

I will make some corrections on those parts and also add some more edge loops around the nose.

Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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Looks much better than any of my attempts :D

Nice polygon layout you have there.


Looks like the specular of your clothing might be to high. Maybe post another image with a different lighting setup.

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there is no need to finalize him yet, in fact as long as your characters are consistent the "inaccuracies" aren't really inaccurate at all. It's just style then. :D


So even though I ask others to critcise me, to be honest I don't really have any criticisms of what you've done so far, except for the edge flow which could use some improvement I think...then again maybe you can fudge it for now. Just go around and look at some of the pros.

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I agree with Pancakes: the model looks fine as it is now. Finetuning it to a perfect human face shape would take away the fact that this character is unique. Everybody has a different face layout and the way this character looks just gives it its style.


Let say you are making a game where you meet a lot of other people, you don't want them all to have perfect faces because they would all look like each other.

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Thanks guys for your input.


My conclusion is that I will continue with this figure as it is.


Before a release I will however take some advices in consideration like

- Nose will have another edge loop to make its nose tip smoother

- Josh pointed out the he looks a bit swollen so I will fix that

- The fingers will have some more edgeloops (for closeups )

- I will make one texture for head+hands and another for the rest

- The eyes will be moved to separate meshes with its own texture (for closeups)

- One more edgeloop will be added around the eyes.


Once again.


Roland Strålberg
Website: https://rstralberg.com

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