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Decreasing an vector iterator


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Hi everyone,


I have a vector with objects in my project that is iterated over. Depending on the state of the object iterated over, I need to get a reference to the object it previously iterated over.


I have already tried i-- and (*(i--)) without result. Is this even possible? I would prefer it over just keeping a reference to the previous object in a seperate variable.



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If its a vector collection object then you could just address it directly using an index (I know some people scorn doing this and would always advise using a proper iterator but so long as you are sensible it works fine and you shouldn't run into problems, microsoft provided the functionality after all).


for(i=0; i < myVectorCollection.size(), i++)
   n = myVectorCollection[i]->someItem;
   if (n ==3) 
        n2 = myVectorCollection[i-1]->someOtherItem;


should work fine so long as i-1 is not less than 0


I'm surprised decrementing the iterator didn't work but I'm not sure I've ever tried that so I'll take your word for it!

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I was indeed hesitant to address it using an index because I was under the impression this was widely regarded as a bad practice. Guess it can't do any harm for this particular part of my application so I'll use it anyway then. :)



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It is by purists, but I actually never use anything else with vectors and have never run into a problem. You obviously need to be aware of what you are doing and the bounds of the vector. A poor coder will make mistakes no matter what you do to try and prevent them in my experience :)

Intel Core i5 2.66 GHz, Asus P7P55D, 8Gb DDR3 RAM, GTX460 1Gb DDR5, Windows 7 (x64), LE Editor, GMax, 3DWS, UU3D Pro, Texture Maker Pro, Shader Map Pro. Development language: C/C++

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Disregard that, decrementing the iterator did work.


I was using this in a snippet of code that removed a GameScreen from a stack of screens. I removed the screen it was currently iterator over, then tried to get the previous one while there was only one screen left in the vector. :)


Sorry to have wasted your time though! :)

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