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thumbstick turning in VR


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has anyone figured out thumb stick turning in vr? ,i have tried it but keep on getting a error that i do not know how to fix (i am using VRplayer lua the only extra code is here:)

	--teleporting feedback
	if VR:GetControllerButtonDown(VR.Right,VR.AButton) then
	--player turning right
	if VR:GetControllerAxis(VR.Right,VR.TouchpadAxis).x > 0.15 then
	--player turning left
	if VR:GetControllerAxis(VR.Right,VR.TouchpadAxis).x < -0.15 then



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Ah Okay.

Turning the world around the VR player is only supported if you opt into the beta branch on Steam.

This command offsets the position:

If you call VR:SetOffset(position, rotation) or VR:SetOffset(x,y,z,pitch,roll,yaw) then it will turn the world around the player.

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okay now i just cannot teleport outside of a small area otherwise the rotation works fine

function Script:UpdateWorld()


	--teleporting feedback
	if VR:GetControllerButtonDown(VR.Right,VR.AButton) then
	--player turning right
	if VR:GetControllerAxis(VR.Right,VR.TouchpadAxis).x > 0.15 then
	--player turning left
	if VR:GetControllerAxis(VR.Right,VR.TouchpadAxis).x < -0.15 then


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If you are using the built-in teleport locomotion, let's see...this is at line 299 of VRPlayer.lua:

	--Update offset position
	local pos = VR:GetOffset()
	local d = self.targetoffset:DistanceToPoint(pos)
	local speed = 2.0
	if speed>d then speed=d end
	pos = pos + (self.targetoffset - pos):Normalize() * speed

So you would want to add the rotation to that call of the VR:SetOffset() command:


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please ignore the previous post figured it out

--Update offset position
	local pos = VR:GetOffset()
	local d = self.targetoffset:DistanceToPoint(pos)
	local speed = 2.0
	if speed>d then speed=d end
	pos = pos + (self.targetoffset - pos):Normalize() * speed
	local arot = Vec3(0,avr,0) --avr is addon rotation


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  • 3 months later...

If I want to use smooth locomotion and not teleport, how would I call this upon joystick movement? I know it involves VR:SetOffset or VR:GetOffset. Further, I can enter the VR world, but teleport nor locomotion work at all.  I can walk around the world physically.  How do I activate teleport and locomotion with the joystick controllers?


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