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Version 2.32r4


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  On 5/17/2010 at 2:36 PM, Josh said:

Please post your code.


Heres the simple scene loader code it is breaking on:



Framework leadwerks.engine

'To Generate an updated lua-gluefunctions.bmx uncomment the lines tagged [1]
'and comment out the line tagged [2]. Run the code once, then swap back.
'lua-gluefunctions.bmx needs to be inside the App directory.

Import "C:\Leadwerks Engine SDK 2.3r3\BMX\Framework\framework.bmx"
Import lugi.generator '[1]

Include "lua-gluefunctions.bmx" '[2]

AppTitle:String = "Basic Example : BMAX + Leadwerks Engine 2.3"

'Register the directory under which the abstract file system will search.
RegisterAbstractPath("C:\Leadwerks Engine SDK 2.3r3\")

'Create a Graphics window
Graphics(800, 600)

AFilter(1) 'Set the anisotropic filter. Range 1-16

'Using AFilter(MaxAFilter()) will use the maximum supported anisotropic filter on your PC
'Adding the line "DrawText ("MaxAFilter = " + MaxAFilter(), 0, 80)"
'after "fw.Render()" will display on screen the maximum supported anisotropic filter.

TFilter(1) 'Set trilinear filtering : 0 = off : 1 = on.

'Create a new Framework object.
Global fw:TFramework = TFramework.Create()
If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine."
------------/ SNIP / ----------------

BMax 1.38 * Leadwerks 2.4 * Unity 3.0 Pro * Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 - Win7 64bit - ATI 4870

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Ok the download link is now working.. r4 is now the only thing you can download.

earlier there where 2 links.. r3 and r4.


but this was prehaps the same time you was uploading.



Quan, prehaps you can also add a link to a zip file, or make a atachment with the sample code in.

this way its a lot easier to debug and test stuff

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Quan, I ran your code with 2.32r4 and it worked perfectly. Perhaps you do not have the latest newton.dll in the same folder as your program.


  On 5/17/2010 at 7:17 PM, ConradAlistair said:

a second after i double click the editor icon LE 2.32 crashes. i thing this may have something to do with lost directories, but im not sure.

What is your graphics card? Does the editor.log file contain any information?

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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That's normal. You need to increase the directional light range because the mountains are cutting through the near frustum.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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Installed update. Seems to be working fine exept for physics. Updating phy files now,but can't get Le oildrums to work. Are their phy files updated?

amd quad core 4 ghz / geforce 660 ti 2gb / win 10

Blender,gimp,silo2,ac3d,,audacity,Hexagon / using c++

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with Win7 you can use snipping tool, just open the start menu, type in "snipp" and it should appear.

Another way is to use print screen, open paint or any other image editor software and paste.


Almost forgot about the print screen hahaha, I got a mac keyboard on my windows PC so I dont have that button, caused me headaches for a long while :)

Win7: 3.4GHz i7, 16Gb RAM DDR3, Radeon HD 6970 2048MB

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  On 5/17/2010 at 8:05 PM, Josh said:

Quan, I ran your code with 2.32r4 and it worked perfectly. Perhaps you do not have the latest newton.dll in the same folder as your program.


Ah, this was the problem, I feel stupid now as I copied from the wrong leadwerks folder.


Have to remind myself not to do upgrades 7:15am monday morning.


I have noticed a massive drop in FPS when running the debug build of my game when looking at water. From about 30fps down to 10 - 5.


On the flip size the non debug compile is much faster at 60 - 90fps on a full outdoor scene.


I have made a giant Pachinko simulator with vegetation collisions and a ball :)

BMax 1.38 * Leadwerks 2.4 * Unity 3.0 Pro * Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 - Win7 64bit - ATI 4870

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  On 5/18/2010 at 5:40 AM, Quan said:

Ah, this was the problem, I feel stupid now as I copied from the wrong leadwerks folder.

It happens to the best of us. :)


I hope in the future we can get rid of external DLLs and make things simpler.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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