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Vegetation Alpha Blending


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As some might know, I'm really into this.

I've tried setting the blend to alpha and removing alphatest from the shader, but I get a weird plane-looking texture. I've toyed with all the material options but couldn't make it any better.


Ideas are welcome.


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I have the exact same problem, but in my case it isn't so noticeable since it is used in places where two blended planes aren't next to eachother.

The engine doesn't draw any shadows & point/spotlight to the area that is seen through the blended plane.

Core i5-750 - GTX 460 1GB - 12GB DDR3 - Win 7 x64

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I fixed it loading model into the transparency world.

Hope it will fix your problem too.

Anyway this is a bad issue, as collision will probably don't work.

Intel Corei7-6700, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 980, 32GB DDR4, W-10.

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