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Brush for painting on very large ground.


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There is the possibility of increasing the size of the brush, I have a land of 4096 x 4096 and the brush in its size is not enough, plus there is a limit in the editor to view the terrain. 

What I want to do is to paint an entire terrain with several layers and then accommodate its presentation with the respective configurations, also for rocks.




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Sadly, I don't think there are options to help with this.  I hope I'm wrong but I believe the brush size is limited to the maximum slider size and the terrain view distance can't be increased.  I tried to see how fast I can paint a flat 4096x4096 terrain and it took me several minutes to awkwardly fly around and paint, area by area, sometimes not being sure what areas I've already covered (since you can't see all of the terrain).  This is after I sped everything up to maximum under Tools menu, Options, Viewports, Camera section and I held the Shift key to move around as fast as possible.  Working with this map size is very difficult.

That said, consider that perhaps your map size may be too large.  I remember Jen thought that she would need a huge map and I think she said 512x512 was still too large for her project, after some further thought.  Consider putting some temporary landmarks at the edges of the map and see how long it takes you to get there with reasonable speed, even in a vehicle.

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  On 11/24/2019 at 5:59 PM, gamecreator said:

Lamentablemente, no creo que haya opciones para ayudar con esto. Espero estar equivocado, pero creo que el tamaño del pincel se limita al tamaño máximo del deslizador y la distancia de visualización del terreno no se puede aumentar. Traté de ver qué tan rápido puedo pintar un terreno plano 4096x4096 y me tomó varios minutos volar torpemente y pintar, área por área, a veces sin estar seguro de qué áreas ya he cubierto (ya que no puede ver todo el terreno). Esto es después de que acelere todo al máximo en el menú Herramientas, Opciones, Vistas, sección Cámara y mantuve presionada la tecla Mayús para moverme lo más rápido posible. Trabajar con este tamaño de mapa es muy difícil.

Dicho esto, considere que quizás el tamaño de su mapa puede ser demasiado grande. Recuerdo que Jen pensó que necesitaría un mapa enorme y creo que dijo que 512x512 todavía era demasiado grande para su proyecto, después de pensarlo un poco más. Considere colocar algunos puntos de referencia temporales en los bordes del mapa y vea cuánto tiempo le lleva llegar allí a una velocidad razonable, incluso en un vehículo.


Yeah, it looks like it's impossible. Here I found a partial solution and it is to put another viewer in Rendered Mode - Texture, this implies that I can paint in the 3D viewer and visualize the result in all terrain in the next viewer. However, it's usually very cumbersome for me, I have a long delay in the editor..


Edit: But filling such a large map is relatively tedious. 





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About the time to cross a map, a player on foot, can have enough with a map of 1024x1024, however a map of 2048x2048 to cross it in vehicle, makes it relatively fast, and the best option would be a large map of 4096x4096, however I have an idea, and is that the player does not go outside the range of a perimeter by establishing high radioactivity zone and a message that tells him to return.




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  On 11/24/2019 at 7:00 PM, havenphillip said:

What might be cool is if you had a view of the whole planet that you could bring up, and then clicking different points on the planet would load different maps, giving the impression somewhat that you're going all over the place.


This is what Borderlands 3 does.  It's a good system.

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My tests cross a 4096 x 4096 terrain in a vehicle. They show that it takes an average of two minutes to get from one side to the other. Now when it comes to walking, it's really more time. But I don't know how this becomes viable to put layers, rocks, etc etc. etc.





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