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Rotated Model (FBX Export)


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What causes a single model in a scene to rotate 90 degrees along two axes when exported as FBX from 3DS Max and imported into Leadwerks?

I was exporting dungeon pieces individually when for some reason my wall showed up in my game rotated.  I can't figure out why.  So to test this, I tried to export multiple pieces together, as one FBX.  But again, the wall came in rotated.  Below is the scene, the left one in the Leadwerks model viewer, the right one in Max.  Any idea why this could happen?


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I think it has to do with the rotation axes when exporting the fbx, I think it is necessary to verify in which rotation angle it is exported.

Another thing is to try with the old leadwerks import tool that is in the tools directory. 

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  On 5/22/2019 at 10:44 PM, gamecreator said:

What causes a single model in a scene to rotate 90 degrees along two axes when exported as FBX from 3DS Max and imported into Leadwerks?


There should be no axis conversion if you set your FBX exporter options to Y-up.

FBX Export Options:
Advanced Options -> Axis Conversion -> Up-Axis: Y-up

Other than that, there is always the possibility that one of your parts is using negative scaling (-100) along one of their axes in 3dsmax.  Some users do that when mirroring parts, but it may not export well outside of 3dsmax.

Ultimate Unwrap 3D: http://www.unwrap3d.com

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  On 6/3/2019 at 7:40 PM, Bolt said:

Advanced Options -> Axis Conversion -> Up-Axis: Y-up


Thank you; I think this is what Iris3D was suggesting as well.  I did try both options and nothing changed.  The negative scaling is an interesting theory though.  It's certainly possible though I don't see how scaling would rotate the 90 degrees on two axes.

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