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Title Sequence Test


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Very simple scene for title scrolling which can easily be added to without any need to fiddle with code.  Just got the same placeholder repeated for now.

We'd need to consider what we want the actual content should be, and if we need to mention any open source assets.

Need a way to get to and back from this scene. just in place as a test scene in the test folder of maps...



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To change from this to level1 put this code in the trigger for end of intro map (key press ?):

changemapname = "GameMaps/level01/level"
changenextstate = LEVEL1_STATE

Put this map in GameMaps/level00/level (or how you want to call it) so we keep the convention with the others maps.

I made this with Leadwerks/UAK:

Structura Stacky Desktop Edition


Binary Station

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I suppose we could do a level change for this.

I was also considering if maybe we could move between little isolated scenes within a single simple map when major menu items are selected e.g.

new game.-> OK(selected) - zooms you to the start of the planet crash cinematic. 

continue -> zooms you to planet surface with fade out .   Basically similar to start cinematic but no cube there. goes straight to planet swoop and fade..

settings -> starts  the normal menu system - Maybe it zooms to a moon first and then options appear overlaying that.

credits - zooms you to the title sequence scene.

This may all seem like a lot of extra work but I think it would give a better initial impression of the game and I think for the amount of work it might be good payback. I'm not sure if there are difficulties I've not thought of.  

I'll not pursue this just yet but personally I think it would be neat to have something less static that just dropping into menu with static backdrop.




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I linked the credits into the menu system but I have never really messed with the GUI system (just used clickable images and key presses usually) so it is certainly possible that it isn't completely integrated as it finally should be. Possible I broke something too I suppose but it seems OK.    You could argue that there could be a GUI button instead of hitting esc (which was just a quick fix), but then typically I think the background is usually grey when we want it to be clear on credits.  I'm sure there are ways to address this if you fiddle enough but the aim was merely to integrate in some basic way so if someone has a better vision fits best with the existing setup they can make it work as a whole.


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I updated the menu to display a map GameMaps/menu/level ( its actually the Maps\Test\Cinematics\cinematic_test3.map) , no more static backdrop.

Got everything working Continue/New Game/Credits.



New Game





Think is almost done , only thing that is still needed is to add different animation for New Game and Continue in that map.

Delete gworld file from disk before testing this , so the new version is generated i had to update that file.

I made this with Leadwerks/UAK:

Structura Stacky Desktop Edition


Binary Station

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