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Fire and Ice Mechanics


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Way back I think there has been mention of possible fire and ice spell/effect/weapon.  I've been thinking about this a bit.

I'm a bit wary about combat with AI being a possible area of long term interest for the character, and problems in implementation (e.g. AI getting stuck on walls etc.).

I was thinking that maybe this freeze burn mechanic might be useful as a puzzle element (and also in combat).   In theory it seems that it would be fairly simplistic to use this freeze burn(thaw) mechanic to start stop physics based elements (e.g. using a motor), or perhaps to just use programmed step motion (meaning not physics based).   WARNING: I could be very wrong and it there MIGHT be a lot of hassle in trying to pause and resume physics based processes.

God of War had some good use of ice and fire in both puzzles and combat.

Could be an area for future thoughts if anyone has any.

As far as combat usage I did do a bit of testing with item effects (e.g. poison, burning, ice/slowdown) some time ago. Don't think I got it finished but I think it looked like it was going to work out OK.  I think I basically passed an effect along to the usual Take Damage function and then use it to apply a setting on the object and start a timer if it was going to be a timed effect (e.g. poison).

Anyway, something to think about.


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Yeah I'd destructible objects was something I'd considered.  I've had the mechanics for this working before (an object which can take a certain amount of damage before getting destroyed). The bit I didn't do was the actual visual destruction (falling apart) with physics looking right for the destroyed bits. Should be possible but can't say I've done that.


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