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Buying leadwerks


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  On 12/27/2018 at 11:31 PM, TheConceptBoy said:

Ok, so could please clear something up for me as now I'm confused....


What in the world is this?



and What is the difference between this?


I'm genuinely confused. I thought Leadwerks was the one being retired to make way to Turbo Engine... 


Same thing. It was first called Leadwerks 5 and then name was changed to Turbo. I'm not sure how I should present it right now.



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To be honest, and this is just my opinion, I'd keep the Leadwerks brand. You already state in the Leadwerks 5 Landing Page that it uses the the well established Leadwerks editor, which makes it sound like there's a sense of familiarity instead of the sense of the unknown. With the confusion, I genuinely felt like once Turbo comes out, I would have to abandon everything I've already learned in leadwerks 4.5 and re-learn from scratch as if I went from Ureal Engine to Unity. 

I'd say there's no sense in starting a new brand line up when you already have a long lasting, established name that has some history and a track record. Unless Leadwerks has had some major PR Kaa Kaa attached to it's name, like getting a mars land rover to crash into the planet because the simulation was set to Feet but the rover programmed in Meters That would warrant an absolutely need to clear the name by creating a fresh brand.


I know that TGC renamed FPS Creator Reloaded into Game Guru engine because the new engine was light years ahead of FPS Creator and FPSC was so old and dated at this point that they might have thought that the old engine would make the new engine feel old. Mind you, FPS Creator was made in 2008. FPS Creator Reloaded was out in 2016-2017... almost a decade of very little to no improvement. 

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Well, the reasons for the name change are:

  • No one can spell or pronounce "Leadwerks".
  • The name "Turbo Game Engine" very clearly communicates the product's defining characteristic and entire value proposition. Can you guess what that is?

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This was the blog on the name topic, by the way: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/blogs/entry/2164-what-makes-a-good-brand-name/

There are pros and cons to each name.  Its name being clear is a strong plus (and you can always advertise it as "from the developer of Leadwerks engine" if you want).  However, if its very name is Turbo, it better be faster than other competing engines on the significant metrics.  If it's named Turbo but all other engines are faster, its name is then just a joke right from the start.

TheConceptBoy, I suggest you search the Leadwerks blog for Turbo.  Josh talks a lot about syntax there (like how auto makes coding easier).


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  On 12/28/2018 at 12:39 AM, TheConceptBoy said:

So how much of the current leadwerks documentation is then compatible with Turbo? I'm reading that when you sign up, you get access to the turbo forum. So Perhaps thats where I can learn more about the functionality.


I don't want to overpromise, but I think most of it is the same. Instead of calling Model::Load() you call LoadModel(). No Release() function. Smart pointers everywhere. Some changes to commands here and there, but mostly the same with a different internal architecture.

You can find a lot of info about programming in the new engine in my blog:


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