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How to use the PlayAnimation endhook feature [C++]


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Good day, everyone.

I'm trying to get a hang of the animation function set and I'm trying to figure out how to use the endhooks in C++

From what I understand, it's a function that gets triggered once the animation has ended, however there are no example codes in the docs that actually show how that is written.


Thank you.

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Well, I cannot speak for him of course, but that was 2 years ago and still nothing.

It seems people just measure it themselves.  I'll be doing this soon myself since animation is my next milestone......  Not a big fan of lua for core stuff like player controlling, so yeah.

If I write something of use before you have a solution, i will gladly share it.

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Coding for Christ.

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I believe if you use an Actor class, there is an EndAnimation function you can extend:

virtual void EndAnimation(const int sequence);

It's not in the docs because it is a sort of obscure thing I think was added in the last update.

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I was bored.  I wrote something in a few minutes.  It's a mockup, I dunno?  It works anyhow.  I'm using EventEmitter I posted the other night in that other thread.


Or just ignore my ->on and ->emit stuff in the player class.  It's just a callback function anyway.

main loop:

	long currentTime;
	long dt;
	long lt;

	while (true) {
		if (window->Closed() || window->KeyDown(Leadwerks::Key::Escape)) return false;

		currentTime = Leadwerks::Time::GetCurrent();
		dt = currentTime - lt;
		lt = currentTime;


		//dt = Leadwerks::Time::GetCurrent() - dt;
		context->SetColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
		context->DrawStats(2, 2);
	return 0;

player class update function:

// constructor ..
this->on(EVENT_ANIMATION_END, function<void (const char*)>([this](const char* sequence) {
	std::cout << "Animation sequence '" << sequence << "' ended!" << std::endl;

void update(long dt) {
		animationFrame += dt / ANIMATION_WALK_SPEED;
		if (animationFrame > model->GetAnimationLength("walk")) {
			animationFrame = 0; // this doesnt have to reset to 0 but rather whatever your state system dictates?
			this->emit(EVENT_ANIMATION_END, "walk");
		if (animationFrame < 0) {
			animationFrame = 0;
		model->SetAnimationFrame(animationFrame, 0.8, "walk");
		std::cout << "animationFrame: " << animationFrame << endl;

EDIT: I guess it should be noted (at least in my model) it's 0 based animation sequences, so GetAnimationLength would return, for example 100 and your frames are 0-99; so offset appropriately.

Also, I'm not blending or anything here (it's a hack come on!), so you'd take the remainder from the DT calculation and probably want to mix that into your wrap around to avoid hitching or smooth the interpolation =D

Coding for Christ.

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