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..pointlight artifacts..

Naughty Alien

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..josh example is superbasic and supersimple one...basic use of light, even shadows disabled..i have used it over scene.gmf provided with old heathaze tutorial, just to make sure that im not delusional..here it is code..


Framework leadwerks.framewerk

Graphics(800, 600)

Local fw:TFramewerk

fw = TFramewerk.Create()
If Not fw RuntimeError "Failed to initialize engine."

Include "FreeLook.bmx"

'load a scene
'Create light
Local light:TLight = CreatePointLight(5)
PositionEntity(light, Vec3(0, .25, 0))
EntityColor(light, Vec4(1, 0.5, 0, 0.1))
EntityShadowMode(light, 0)'disabling/enabling shadows doesnt change a thing

 FreeLook(fw.Main.camera, .1)


Until KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)


and its still looking same as before..it seems like creating some sort of rectangle with size of given light range and from each corner of that rectangle, sides are extruded..sort of...weird..


here is result on given scene used from tutorials




also, just side note, doesnt matter is it used with framewerk or not, it does produce same result..


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