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  On 11/21/2018 at 6:51 AM, Thirsty Panther said:

Sorry guys, I didn't intend the Guardian model to derail the low poly theme we have.


No problem.  I thought this was the intention.  If we want to stay low poly then we still have a chunk of work todo unless we can get a low poly character out of mixamo.  There are a few other options that would involve us putting in varying degrees of work.   

For now I personally think it would be better to not pursue the character model until after we have some prototypes done.  I think third person should be born in mind for any levels, so more open than tight spaces. I would just develop with existing FP for now and secondarily test with the existing TP controller we have to see how any prototypes feel but not to adjust necessarily to fit completely with that controller above FP controller.


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