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Viewport Fullscreen


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Are you talking about making one of the editor's viewports, such as the 3D view, the front view, etc., to be full screen within the editor? If so, there are several ways you can do this already. One is to right-click in the viewport you want to be full screen. A menu appears. Go to the bottom and select Single Viewport and that viewport will expand to full the editor. To return to the quad-view, just right-click and select Single Viewport again to uncheck it.

You can also get the same thing by clicking the Single Viewport icon on the menu bar. It looks like a square with a smaller square in it with an arrow pointing up from the smaller square to the upper-right corner of the larger square it's within. 

You can also achieve this by going to View>Single Viewport.

Lastly, you can simply use the F12 key to swap between quad-view and single view.

Creating professional 2D and 3D content is my passion!
Monkey Frog Studio

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