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Updated FPS Script


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Hi Guys

I have found a FPS script with parkour stuff on the workshop. Not sure if that stuff works or not. I haven't tested it yet. But I made some modifications and want to make it available to everyone.

New Features;

Customizable Stamina and health bars. 

Shift and ctrl buttons that use stamina.

ctrl makes the player crouch.

For the Customizable bars. You want to create a border picture as a png and make the white space into transparent space. Then save it with the name Frame. Then create a folder in your project folder called "Frame". Then import your png into your Frame folder. Then right click your Frame.tex and edit. Then change your compression to DXT5. And this should work perfectly. 

Side note;

I added in a variable called crouched for people to reference if they want to make a stealth system.

Here is a screen  for you guys. Showing what the bars look like.


FPSPlayer.luaFetching info...

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