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Help with picking entities in scenes


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I have moved onto using scene files and the LE Editor to build my levels but I am struggling to work out how I can pick a entity and change its properties from inside Blitzmax on the fly.


I have a directional light called sunlight which I would like to rotate and turn on / off etc. In the past I have just been creating a light in Blitzmax which is fine because I know what it is called but I can't seem to work out how I would find the sunlight entity from inside the loaded scene.


Can anyone help me or point me to a example on the wiki.



BMax 1.38 * Leadwerks 2.4 * Unity 3.0 Pro * Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 - Win7 64bit - ATI 4870

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After scene = LoadScene(....) call a function that uses an iterator to go through all the entities and process them as you wish. The following code (not tested as I hacked it out from a failing memory) should be enough to demonstrate one solution.


It goes through all the scene entities, finds one that's called 'light_directional_1' (use any name you have assigned in the editor), it creates a pivot object and parents the directional light to it. You can then rotate the pivot to rotate the light, hence move the apparent sun position across the sky.



Global sunpivot:TPivot

Function ProcessSceneInfo(scene:TEntity)

Local entity:TEntity
Local name:String;

For entity = EachIn scene.kids
	name = entity.GetKey("name", "")
	Select name
		Case "light_directional_1"   
			sunpivot = CreatePivot() ;
			entity.SetParent(sunpivot) ;
	End Select
End Function


And you can use this as the basis to do other useful things.

6600 2.4G / GTX 460 280.26 / 4GB Windows 7

Author: GROME Terrain Modeling for Unity, UDK, Ogre3D from PackT

Tricubic Studios Ltd. ~ Combat Helo

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Works like a charm, thanks again.


I still have a load more questions but I'll have a play for a bit and see what I can work out first.

BMax 1.38 * Leadwerks 2.4 * Unity 3.0 Pro * Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 - Win7 64bit - ATI 4870

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I am still a bit stuck when it comes to changing a entities properties inside a scene from Blitz max. Working with the sun idea, what I would like to do is change the colors during the day.


I have tried doing e.color = Vec4(1,0,0,1) inside the selection loop but this ended up changing nothing visually and is probably going about it the wrong way.

BMax 1.38 * Leadwerks 2.4 * Unity 3.0 Pro * Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 - Win7 64bit - ATI 4870

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After playing some more I have changed the code a bit by making sunlight:TEntity = e after which I can turn the sunlight, hide it etc. But I still can't seem to change its color with EntityColor. I think I know why because its now a TEntity instead of a TLight but I have no idea how to convert it.


But my understanding of how things work increasing quite quickly.

BMax 1.38 * Leadwerks 2.4 * Unity 3.0 Pro * Intel Core 2 Duo 6600 - Win7 64bit - ATI 4870

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