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Scene managment again


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Okay, i have a building model and some detail models like stones, so the building is main models and stones are detail models.


First, i want those stones to be ignored by Newton, so i wanted to add some LUA scripting: "house" is created in editor, then its form is calculated as Convex Hull, and then artist can add stones as he want, but they would be ignored by physic. (right picture)

What is the best solution for this?


Second, can i be sure that all that same models (buildings are the same model, all bricks are also the same models) are rendered using instancing? (left picture)



Working on LeaFAQ :)

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Third: when i clicked on building class (as its written in Getting_Started_With_Lua.pdf) and paste here


local class=CreateClass(...) 

function class:InitDialog(propertygrid) 
 local group=propertygrid:AddGroup("MyGroup") 

and run it, i got a crash "table index is nil" in class.lua, in string "classtable[modelreference]=class"

Working on LeaFAQ :)

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  On 3/24/2010 at 12:01 PM, VeTaL said:

Third: when i clicked on building class (as its written in Getting_Started_With_Lua.pdf) and paste here


local class=CreateClass(...) 

function class:InitDialog(propertygrid) 
 local group=propertygrid:AddGroup("MyGroup") 

and run it, i got a crash "table index is nil" in class.lua, in string "classtable[modelreference]=class"




Because you don't run it.

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like Marleys Ghost is saying:

Don't run your class script! just save it. Only a game sript (like fpscontroller.lua) can be run.


If your model doesn't have a phy file, then the editor automaticly creates one for you when you drag the object into your scene. I would build the main model in your 3d program and give it a convex hull physics shape. Then i would export the stones sepperatly and make no physics file for them. Then with code you can attach the stones to your model:


local class=CreateClass(...)

function class:CreateObject(model)
local object=self.super:CreateObject(model)

--load the stones
self.stones=LoadModel	("abstract::stones.gmf")

--position stones or use the offset by exporting

--parent stones to the main model
self.stones:SetParent	(object.model)
--done with parenting

function object:Free(model)



instead of getplayerbody. U can perhaps just use : player. remember to set it to a global object. Setglobalobject("playercontroller",player)

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Emm.. I added to LUA


local class=CreateClass(...)

function class:InitDialog(propertygrid) 
 local group=propertygrid:AddGroup("Stones") 
   group:AddProperty("StoneNumber", PROPERTY_INTEGER )
 group:AddProperty("StonePosition", PROPERTY_VEC3 )

function class:CreateObject(model)
       local object=self.super:CreateObject(model)

       --load the stones
       self.stones=LoadModel   ("abstract::Dec01.gmf")

       --position stones or use the offset by exporting

       --parent stones to the main model
       self.stones:SetParent   (object.model)
       --done with parenting

       function object:Free(model)



but still have physic on stones


Working on LeaFAQ :)

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