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Objects highlighting.


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I've been looking into making specific objects highlight when the player gets close to them.


So far the closest thing I found is an old shader called edgeglow, but I have no clue how I would apply that to a model.




This picture is kind of what I'm going for, but not as intensive, more just the actual outline of the entities.

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A quick and dirty way is to make a copy of the object, scale it slightly larger, and flip its normals.

Script.highlight = Model:Load("Models/crates/crate_large.mdl", Asset.Unmanaged)

function Script:Start()


self.hmat = Material:Create()




self.surface = self.highlight:GetSurface(0)







A more complicated way involves rendering to another buffer/world, performing an edge-detection/cartoon post process shader on the scene, and then drawing the results to your main world.


Edit--Doing the quick and dirty way looks pretty decent once you set the zsort to true on the flipped material.

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A model fresnel shader will also do this, but since it uses normals, stuff like boxes and other very low poly stuff wil look not so good.


A quick and dirty way is to make a copy of the object, scale it slightly larger, and flip its normals.


this is neat and requires no special stuff. :)

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HP Omen - 16GB - i7 - Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB

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