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Very low camera fov and shadows


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When trying to get a more isometric style I put the camera's fov to about 25 or so. I rotate the camera 45 degrees on x & y axis and move it back. Because the fov needs to be around 25 to get the isometric look, I have to zoom the camera way back (about -40). I think however this is out of shadow drawing range so there are no shadows which kills the effect.


How can I make shadows stay no matter what or increase the view range of them in the editor?

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This is a tricky situation because cascaded shadow maps are sort of at odds with orthographic rendering. The whole idea of CSM is greater resolution near the camera, but without a perspective projection that makes no sense.


There is a DirectionalLight class member you can set in the engine that controls the shadow map stage ranges:

float shadowstagerange[4]


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You may have to adjust the stages' linear offset as well if you modify the stage's range. See here for a script that allows for modifying the linear offset in game to help remove artifacts: http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/14985-changing-shadow-resolution/#entry101390

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I see. So what's the idea here? I'm not sure how this shadow stuff works. I set:


self.entity.shadowstagerange[3] = 1000


and still can't see the shadow. What are these ranges in? meters? Why 4 ranges? If you had to guess what values would I set each to in order to see the shadows because I'm randomly setting stuff and can't see any shadows?

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You have to look at each stage with ranges in meters. Try this script attached to your directional light to see the affect of changing the stages' ranges:

function Script:Start()
	self.value = 5

function Script:UpdateWorld()
	local window = Window:GetCurrent()
	if window:KeyHit(Key.Up)==true then
		self.entity.shadowstagerange[0] = self.entity.shadowstagerange[0] + self.value
		self.entity.shadowstagerange[1] = self.entity.shadowstagerange[1] + self.value
		self.entity.shadowstagerange[2] = self.entity.shadowstagerange[2] + self.value
		self.entity.shadowstagerange[3] = self.entity.shadowstagerange[3] + self.value
	if window:KeyHit(Key.Down)==true then
		self.entity.shadowstagerange[0] = self.entity.shadowstagerange[0] - self.value
		self.entity.shadowstagerange[1] = self.entity.shadowstagerange[1] - self.value
		self.entity.shadowstagerange[2] = self.entity.shadowstagerange[2] - self.value
		self.entity.shadowstagerange[3] = self.entity.shadowstagerange[3] - self.value

function Script:PostRender(context)
	for i = 0, 3 do
		context:DrawText("Range: "..self.entity.shadowstagerange[i],2,i*22)


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Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

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