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I need help with Reseive message


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I have created entity function with send message method to target object. Now i need receive this message but from BMX.


Note: When I tried send/receive message only with LUA - works very good. But send message from lua and receive to bmx doesn't work for me.


Any ideas?

[HW] C2D Q6600, 4GB RAM, NV8800GTX, Vista Ultimate x64

[sW] Blide Plus, BlitzMax, Delphi, C++, 3DWS 5.53, Leadwerks 2.xx



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Isn't problem ...


Lua script:



local class=CreateClass(...)

function class:InitDialog(grid)


group = grid:AddGroup("Key Binding")
group:AddProperty("key_forward", PROPERTY_STRING, "","Key Forward")
group:AddProperty("key_backward", PROPERTY_STRING, "","Key Backward")
group:AddProperty("key_turn_left", PROPERTY_STRING, "","Key Turn left")
group:AddProperty("key_turn_right", PROPERTY_STRING, "","Key Turn right")


function class:CreateObject(model)

local object=self.super:CreateObject(model)

object.classname = "func_gamecontrol"

-- default key binds
object.key_forward = "KEY_UP"
object.key_backward = "KEY_DOWN"
object.key_turn_left = "KEY_LEFT"
object.key_turn_right = "KEY_RIGHT"

function object:SetKey(key,value)
	if key=="key_forward" then object.key_forward = value
	elseif key=="key_backward" then object.key_backward = value
	elseif key=="key_turn_left" then object.key_turn_left = value
	elseif key=="key_turn_right" then object.key_turn_right = value
		return self.super:SetKey(key,value)
	return 1

function object:GetKey(key,value)
	if key=="key_forward" then return object.key_forward
	elseif key=="key_backward" then  return object.key_backward
	elseif key=="key_turn_left" then  return object.key_turn_left
	elseif key=="key_turn_right" then  return object.key_turn_right

		return self.super:GetKey(key,value)
	return value

function object:Update()
	if GetGlobalString("LE_Environment_mode") == "ENV_MODE_GAME" then
		t = model:GetTarget(0)
		if KeyHit(_G[object.key_forward])==1 then
		if KeyHit(_G[object.key_backward])==1 then t:SendMessage("move_backward") end
		if KeyHit(_G[object.key_turn_left])==1 then t:SendMessage("turn_left") end
		if KeyHit(_G[object.key_turn_right])==1 then t:SendMessage("turn_right") end



BMX part:



SetEntityCallback(Target, Byte Ptr MyMessageReceiveCallback, ENTITYCALLBACK_MESSAGERECEIVE)


Function MyMessageReceiveCallback(entity:TEntity, message:String, extra:Object)
If Entity Then
End If
End Function


where Target is target entity linked to player entity in editor and readed to from func_gamecontrol entity.

[HW] C2D Q6600, 4GB RAM, NV8800GTX, Vista Ultimate x64

[sW] Blide Plus, BlitzMax, Delphi, C++, 3DWS 5.53, Leadwerks 2.xx



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My first assumption is that you aren't setting the right entity to receive the message. Check into model entity vs mesh entities. Your target might be the mesh and in your BMax code you might be assigning the callback to the model. Play around with that once.

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Entity func_gamecontrol is now linked to this player entity in editor ...



local class=CreateClass(...)

function class:InitDialog(grid)



function class:CreateObject(model)

local object=self.super:CreateObject(model)
object.model.mass = 1.0
object.classname = "player_model"
object.last_message = ""
object.receive_is_locked = 0

object.step = 0.05
object.move_step = 0
object.move_distance = 0
object.max_distance = 1.0

object.turn = 4.0
object.turn_step = 0
object.turn_angle = 0
object.max_angle = 90


object.wheel_left = LoadModel("abstract::player_car_wheel.gmf")

object.wheel_right = LoadModel("abstract::player_car_wheel.gmf")

local body_pos = Vec3(0,0,0) --object.model:GetPosition()

local body_wheel_left = Vec3(body_pos.x+0.32,body_pos.y+0.25,body_pos.z)
local body_wheel_right = Vec3(body_pos.x-0.32,body_pos.y+0.25,body_pos.z)





and in BMX now i tried assign callback direct to target entity, which is entity with classname "player_model"



Self.Player.CreatePlayerFromLevel(Level.GetByClassName("func_gamecontrol")) ' <- return scene entity with classname="func_gamecontrol"

Method CreatePlayerFromLevel(e:TEntity)
	Local e_player:TEntity = GetEntityTarget(e, 0)
	SetEntityCallback(e_player, Byte Ptr MyMessageReceiveCallback, ENTITYCALLBACK_MESSAGERECEIVE)
End Method


End Type

Function MyMessageReceiveCallback(entity:TEntity, message:String, extra:Object)
If entity Then
End If
End Function


I tried retype entity e_player to TBody and to TModel too. Alls with same result as before.

[HW] C2D Q6600, 4GB RAM, NV8800GTX, Vista Ultimate x64

[sW] Blide Plus, BlitzMax, Delphi, C++, 3DWS 5.53, Leadwerks 2.xx



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not looked at the problem completely... but where in this lua script do you have the keycodes set (require("Scripts/constants/keycodes"))? are they set elsewhere? or did you just forget for your example?


Edit- I just tried your lua code loaded by a bmax program along with adding to the top of the lua script


, and it works just fine. As long as you are sure that the target you are accessing in bmax is the same target you are getting in lua, it responds correctly.

Win7 64bit / Intel i7-2600 CPU @ 3.9 GHz / 16 GB DDR3 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 590

LE / 3DWS / BMX / Hexagon

macklebee's channel

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Key codes are not problem, when i execute scene in Editor only with lua code (source is in post #3), then works, message is received and sent to target.

Strange for me is, why when message is sent from lua code, why isn't received in BMX code too. I don't need make response in lua, i need read this message only in main BMX code.


Main question is, is possible send message in LUA and RECEIVE in BMX code? I have tested SEND/RECEIVE in LUA - works, BMX too. From LUA to BMX doesn't work or i have realy issue.



EDIT: Yes, works now. key constans i had included in lua, but BMX don't execute main lua script where I had this one.

Many thanks.

[HW] C2D Q6600, 4GB RAM, NV8800GTX, Vista Ultimate x64

[sW] Blide Plus, BlitzMax, Delphi, C++, 3DWS 5.53, Leadwerks 2.xx



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