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Hello guys,


I did some research here and found that there is various ways to bring PBR to the Leadwerks made by the community members.


Which PBR solution do you guys like more?


Rastar (No download link or instructions)






Mattline1 (Still compatible with 4.0+ ?)













Know other PBR projects? Please share with the community smile.png

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I like environment probes to be honest, with other solutions you have to input Environment map as a texture, probes in LE are generating environment map automatically and from what's inside the scene. That's for indoor scenario, for outdoor I don't know how things are working with LE probes if I want to have the sky as environment map.

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I have only used Shadmar's solution and it's amazing. Solution by Mattline1 requires messing with C++ and I don't even have VS on my PC at the moment because I'm limited on space on system drive so that's a problem for me for now, while Shadmar's PBR just replaces some shaders and everything works.

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I also made a cubemap factory for Shadmar's shaders it and the results were pretty impressive. It had a few flaws though.



It might be possible to merge Shadmar's Shaders and the Probe System. I haven't tried, but all you'd have to do is remove the cubemap texture and link the roughness map/settings with the editor's slider. I've thought about it, but never had a chance to do it.


Matt's system looks the best, but has a lot of gotcha's.

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