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Material Patches Missing On Model


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Now that I have some new models to use, I am having a lot of difficulties with materials on models. Even when using the animation shaders, there are missing patches of the material on the model. If the regular shaders are used, the materials work as expected, but, as predicted, the materials do not "sick" to the model.


When importing new models, what are the configurations and settings for the textures and materials? I have been spinning my wheels for hours and end up with the same results.


Attached is an image to help.


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When you double click your model from the assets (not scene), you should be able to see the animations and bits etc.

From the options at the top, click tools then Calculate Normals. Try using Angular Threshold and see if that makes a difference?

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Thank-you for the offering the help, but unfortunately it did not seem to correct the problem. It is very unclear to me what is happening. If the correct animation shaders are used, should it not work?


There are three textures for each material: diffuse, normal, and specular. The "diffuse+normal+specular.shader" is applied and the "shadow.animation.shader" is also used. Also, in order to allow the textures to be seen, Strip Vertex Colors was applied on the model in the editor window. Otherwise the model is black.


Another odd issue is, since the model is HUGE, resizing the model in the editor to 6' makes it invisible, therefore needing to be reimported.


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Still trying and ending up with the same results and I cannot help but to feel that there is something wrong with the model editor for GNU/Linux. All the errors occur while interacting with this editor. Is there another way of assigning materials to a model without the use of this editor?


This post may be best placed in the Linux area. huh.png


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Just guessing, but I would think this thread is related, as the model seems to save in an animation step with rendered issues:






Until it is fixed, it is very likely I will continue to talk to myself about this. lol blink.png


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For the last few days I have built a program in LE that loads a model, applies the materials, and allows all animations to be accessed without flaw. All this was done via lua script. The use of models, and manipulation of said models, is possible without the use of the GNU/Linux version of the buggy model editor.


I do have a question regarding "Strip Vertex Colors". Some models, when loaded, are black and absolutely huge. lol So, I have applied a rescaling to solve the size and have used a method, surface:UpdateNormals(true,.00001,150.0), to change each of the surfaces from black to the material designs.


When looking at the model editor under Option -> Strip Vertex Colors, code wise, what exactly is being applied here?


Correction (I cannot seem to edit my posts):


Tools -> Strip Vertex Colors


So I can.. sort of. O.o


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Today curiosity got the best of me and I install Unity3d 5.1.0f3 Personl for Ubuntu (Debian derivatives) and the models work just fine and import without issue. There are no patches,or missing portions, in the materials of models with animation, thus furthering the conclusion that the Leadwerks model editor is flawed on the GNU/Linux platform.


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