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Find entity


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I'm need to find an entity in my scene. I don't need the references but purely the class object. I had a look in the pfd (starting with lua)but no luck with that. At the moment I'm trying something like this:

plane = classnametable[ "plane" ] 

	if paint == 1 then

	if paint == 2 then


The textures are loaded before the loop.

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Here is what I do with this.


for k,v in pairs(objecttable) do
		if v.type ~= nil then
			if v.type == "inventory.item" then


I give an object a .type field. So like object.type = "iventory.item". Then I look through the objecttable and if the object has a .type field and if it's the right text I know I have the object. From there you can get the class if you like, but you can also call functions from that object. Even functions that you created and are not part of LE.


Note also though that this depends on where you are calling it from because of when objects get created. I generally give each object an object:Initialize() method. Then before the main loop in the main lua file I loop through all objects in objecttable and if they have an Initialize() method I call it. I also do the same with a Destroy() method and call them after the main loop ends for some clean up stuff.

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