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A method to use custom phy files for models (reimplimentation)


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I want to take a physics file and apply it to another model. I would request it be added to the Model editors physics menu option.


My use case scenario:


I have a open box. Players can place objects into it. NOW is where everthing goes to hell. The player now should be able to carry this box. Polymesh is out of the running because those cant move, all of the other options other decomposition makes closed shells, and decomposition cant handle concave shapes well. You can no longer save csg as a physics shape. This leaves a handmade shape. You can add physics shapes to the model in a 3d editor but in game this will remove your ability to interact with the entity. So you have to be able to create a physics shape externally. This is no longer possible in the current incarnation of Leadwerks. To solve this I have to do an end run around the ENTIRE phyics system to do a simple task.


Current process:

Create mesh fbx, export.

Create physics fbx, export (these are 2 separate ).

In Leadwerks load the physics fbx.

Open explorer window and find the collision phy.

Rename collision phy to the mesh phy


This use to be in Leadwerks, it's in the legacy options but there needs to be a way to do this in the new beta and going forward. The engine should not be removing features, it should be refining them. Things it doesn't need should be hid in a menu option because someone somewhere was using it .

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