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menu for parent / unparent


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From what I can tell the only way to change a object's parent is by dragging and dropping in the Scene editor, which I find can be a little messy, too easy to drag to unintended parent, then having to fix that.


I Suggest 2 Places where a simple remove parent / make parent command could be located:

#1 By right clicking a object in the scene editor -> remove parent / make parent or

#2 In the main toolbar / Edit menu. -> remove parent / make parent


Also allowing for multiple selections in the view port or editor, where the last selection would be made as a parent, if the make parent button was toggled would be useful.

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  • 1 month later...

Fiddling about unparenting things in the tree feels quite clunky. I often find myself dropping children somewhere I don't actually want it just so I can scroll around and try to move it to where I really want it. It can really bring you out of 'using the software as a tool' mode and into 'OK how do I get these tree nodes where I want them' mode.


I hope this change makes it in soon.

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  • 9 months later...
  On 6/29/2016 at 3:13 AM, devcjohnson said:

OK. Home from work. How did you split the window?


I made that up in Photoshop as a suggestion. I apologize for getting your hopes up. unsure.png




Using Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit/Core I7-2700K @ 4312mhz/24G RAM/Nvidia GTX 1060

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