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Any way to open a webpage URL in the user's default web browser


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Hi. Is there any way in either the Leadwerks engine or the Lua implementation to open a webpage URL in the user's default web browser. Basically I'm looking to shell execute a URL.


For example, in Blitz3D I can use the code:-


Execfile "http://www.leadwerks.com/"


to shell execute the specified URL which will open the webpage in the user's default web browser.


In a project for a free advergame I'm working on in Blitz3D I have a couple of main menu links to open the game project's website and to open the website for the advertised product. I'm considering porting that project to Leadwerks, but if I can't open a webpage from my program then it ends up being a deal killer for an advertising supported game.

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No, but if you look in the BMX module you can find how to do it:

int bbOpenURL( BBString *url ){
int n;
if( _usew ){
n=(int)ShellExecuteW( 0,0,(wchar_t*)bbTmpWString(url),0,0,10 )>32; //SW_SHOWDEFAULT
n=(int)ShellExecuteA( 0,0,bbTmpCString(url),0,0,10 )>32; //SW_SHOWDEFAULT
return n;

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If that does not work, you can try to call it with a lua library.


i made a small one with some additional functions. (was mostly just playing around with it)


Have uploaded it for you here:



You have to extract the files where your executable is

and add import("LEAddon.lua") to your App.lua or Main.lua at the beginning.


Then you can call something like

addon.Execute("http://www.google.de") and the default browser is started.


It has a couple of other functions but as i said i where mostly playing around with it and not everything will work.


You will have to disable sandbox Lua though.

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