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TPS movement tutorial


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Simple and basic smooth TPS code, based on Rick's game and enhanced to have smooth movement.

Enjoy happy.png



import "Scripts/AnimationManager.lua"

Script.Camera = "" --entity
Script.cameraOffsetZ= -7 --float
Script.cameraOffsetY= 3 --float
function Script:Start()
   --self.btnExit = Button:Create("Exit", 0, 0, 100, 50, self, self.btnExit_Click)

   self.playerMovement = Vec3(0,0,0)
   self.cameraYaw = 0
   self.cameraPitch = 10
   self.dx = 0
   self.dy = 0
   self.mousePos = 100

   self.moveSpeed = 10

   self.baseAnimMgr = AnimationManager:Create(self.entity)

   self.entity:SetKeyValue("type", "player")



function Script:UpdateWorld()






function Script:attackEnd()

function Script:CameraRotation()

   -- rotate yaw and tell the player about it so the character can use it in SetInput()
   local mpos = App.window:GetMousePosition()
   self.dx = Math:Curve((mpos.x - self.mousePos) / 10.0, self.dx, 3.0 / Time:GetSpeed())
   self.cameraYaw = self.cameraYaw + self.dx

   -- rotate pitch
   self.dy = Math:Curve((mpos.y - self.mousePos) / 10.0, self.dy, 3.0 / Time:GetSpeed())
   local pitch = self.cameraPitch + self.dy
   if pitch > -25 and pitch < 55 then
       self.cameraPitch = pitch

   -- reset the mouse position
   App.window:SetMousePosition(self.mousePos, self.mousePos)


function Script:Movement()

   -- handle player movement
   self.playerMovement.z = ((App.window:KeyDown(Key.W) and 1 or 0) - (App.window:KeyDown(Key.S)and 1 or 0)) * self.moveSpeed
   --self.playerMovement.x = ((App.window:KeyDown(Key.D) and 1 or 0) - (App.window:KeyDown(Key.A)and 1 or 0)) * Time:GetSpeed() * self.moveSpeed

  if  self.state=="attack"  then

   if self.playerMovement.z > 0 and self.state~="attack" then

   if self.playerMovement.z == 0 and self.state~="attack" then

   -- move the camera to the player and set the yaw from 3rd person view
   self.Camera:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition(true), true)
   self.Camera:SetRotation(Vec3(self.cameraPitch, self.cameraYaw, 0), true)

   -- offset the camera up and back
   self.Camera:Move(0, self.cameraOffsetY, self.cameraOffsetZ)

   -- rotate the model along with the camera
   self.entity:SetRotation(Vec3(0, self.cameraYaw +180, 0))

   -- move the controller in the rotation of the player
   self.entity:SetInput(self.cameraYaw, self.playerMovement.z, 0 --[[self.playerMovement.x]], 0, false, 1)

   if App.window:MouseHit(1) and  self.state~="attack"  then
      self.baseAnimMgr:SetAnimationSequence("attack", 0.01, 50,1,self,self.attackEnd)   


function Script:Animations()

   if self.state=="idle"  and self.state~="attack" then
       self.baseAnimMgr:SetAnimationSequence("idle", 0.005, 200)

   if self.state=="walk" and self.state~="attack" then
       self.baseAnimMgr:SetAnimationSequence("walk", 0.01, 200)


function Script:Draw()

   -- the order we put these in matters!




All movement is in UpdateWorld() because you'll get smoothed physic movement instead of jittering one.

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  • 2 years later...

Is this script valid because if I try to use it, it does not work.  Did the code structure change since this was written?


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ty. No luck with the Darkness Awaits - loaded in all black and could not find most materials even though I followed the instructions.

I'll look at the 2nd link and see if it will work for my needs.


MSI Dominator Laptop - Core i7 - 8 cores / 3ghz / 32gb RAM / Nvidia 980 GTX with 16gb vram / SSD drives

MSI Dominator Laptop - Core i7 - 8 cores / 3ghz / 32gb RAM / Nvidia 1060 GTX with 8gb vram / SSD drives

Alienware Laptop - Core i7 - 8 cores / 3ghz / 32gb RAM / Nvidia 1070 Ti with 16gb vram / SSD drives

My Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/michaelfelkercomposer

My music for sale: https://www.tgcstore.net/category/513?format=all&amp;perpage=30&amp;textures=undefined&amp;price=all&amp;order=default&amp;artists[]=87213

Custom synths and sounds - http://www.supersynths.com

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