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Rotating Image and Text in 2D..


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The ability to specify a Z axis rotation on the DrawImage and DrawText so that you can rotate the text or image around the Z axis... this would probably require the ability to specify were that axis needs to be, you can probably not assume the middle or the origin.


I just needed to do this and had to build the function using raw OpenGL commands, which to be honest was a pain in butt.... and given that the only additional code within the function would require the following OpenGL it would be relative simple to implement..


glTranslatef - set the X/Y rotational origin

glRotatef - rotate around the origin

glTranslatef - set the X/Y origin back to it's original position...

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to build the function using raw OpenGL commands, which to be honest was a pain in butt



Yes it is, some basic functionality additions to the Draw commands would be a welcome feature. Gets my vote Chiblue.

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BlitzMax 1.50 • Lua 5.1 MaxGUI 1.41 • UU3D Pro • MessiahStudio Pro • Silo Pro

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"I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head"

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  • 4 weeks later...

I allready have this stuff done in my own engine. The commands are exactly like blitzmax.

I Josh want's I would glady donate some code. It's actually quite simple.

ImagesCollide and ImagesCollide2(from blitzmax ) would also help. I could donate that code as well.

I create the game you play. I create the rulles you will obey.

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