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Droid planet


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When i want fun robot modeling i just dive in Droid planet.


More mechanic design , less cynbernetic :

- Slow movement and slow turning speed

- 4 auto Guided missiles

- 2 main heavy damage guns

- Termal vision : no visibility hidding possible

- Two special attacks







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I made dangerous flying droids flying in their own zone, they fly patroling randomly between their own 3D pivots points.

They will stay high in the air and fire at some range when the player is visible (raycast).


Textures is WIP (more work on normal map and colors can change)


3D coat PBR :




LE3 model editor :



In game :


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Stop toying and make games

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  • 2 months later...

Some quick insight on the workflow i use for mecanic models.


-To modelise fast i keep a pre made personnal library of basic shapes of different and common resolutions.


So most of the time i just duplicate the piece i need than i start working using extrude, bevel and other functions.

Select a shape and press SHIFT + D is lot more faster then going on menus and i have a already good scaling also.

Cylinder already rotated vertical and horizontal is for example a small detail , but it spares me lot of manipulations.





To make your model, think in modular way if possible

- Make only one version of bolts ,wings etc ... duplicate them , but just UV and texture the original version.

- Also when your model is ok, you can duplicate individual pieces and position the in space separated from the main model to be able to paint quickly with a better view




It will be more easy to paint on the model and on all areas of individual pieces more quickly.




3D coat has some fantastic PBR procedural materials somewhat like substance painter.

You can duplicate them, and tweak all parameters from erosion, edge scatering , masks etc ...




That's it , happy modeling smile.png

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Stop toying and make games

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That's a nice model, YouGroove. I like it. smile.png


Just one thing though...are you UV-ing each little piece of that drone model as a seperate model, and then assembling all those pieces together? That makes a lot of materials for just one model, which means more drawcalls needed.


Or, have i misunderstood what you meant?


ZBrush 4R7 64-bit - 3DCoat 4.5 BETA 12 - Fl Studio 12 64Bit - LE 3.2 Indie version - Truespace 7 - Blender 2.71 - iClone 5.51 Pro - iClone 3DXChange 5.51 pipeline - Kontakt 5 - Bryce 7 - UU3D Pro - Substance Designer/Painter - Shadermap 3 - PaintShop Photo Pro X7 - Hexagon - Audacity - Gimp 2.8 - Vue 2015 - Reaktor 5 - Guitar Rig 5 - Bitmap2Material 3

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Just one thing though...are you UV-ing each little piece of that drone model as a seperate model, and then assembling all those pieces together? That makes a lot of materials for just one model, which means more drawcalls needed.


Nope . i have only one texture and one material for the droid :




How to do it :

- start to make objects in the modeler like one wing , one bolt etc ... only the originals before duplicating

- UV each object

- So i have each individual pieces floating in space and ready to be used

- I join all objects as one object , and i press Unwrap and i will get a UVmap with all the objects of the library

if we could say that.


Than i just select individual sub meshes of the object and i duplicate and move them to assemble the final




Many pieces of the model are duplicated like wings, bolts etc ... and they share the same texture space.

For example i make one Wing and i UV map it, then i duplicate it as much as i need , so each new duplicated objcet will share the same UV as the original in the texture.


This tips was more towards beginners as i seen people modeling a buggy for example and UV all pieces even duplicated ones, for example there was four UV spaces for each tire, that was a waste of space as they could UV one tire only than duplicate it.

Stop toying and make games

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