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Editing LE-*.mdl Files and *.tex files externally


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I do use the Indie Version 3.3 of the LE.

I did buy 3 Workshop Addons as a DCL on Steam:

FPS Weapons Pack, SiFi Interior Construction Kit and Zombie Character Pack.


Is it possible, to edit the Model Fils *.mdl externally with 3D/Model Program

and Texture Files (*.tex) with a Grafic-Editor/Program?


Does anyone has experience with this?

Want to edit the files.

Is it possible to convert them?

And how would that work?


Is there a way to receive the *.mdl Models as a *.fbx or the Textures as a PNG/TGA File?


Does anyone know help?


Have a nice day.


Leadwerks Standart Edition RTS Creator

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so far I did not got an answer... just guessing...

I did not find around any tool or plugin for exporting the LE Mdl-Files to a 3D Program or the possibility to open up the *.tex Files externally with a grafic Program. The only thing I find are possibiliies to import Files from 3D Programs into LE but not the way back.


Is this set up on purpose? For example to protect artwork in the Workshops?

Am I right or did I just not find the tools, plugins or Programs I do look for?


Have I nice day,


Leadwerks Standart Edition RTS Creator

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Within Unity Asset Store , all characters and models are provided with FBX and bitmaps as Tga , Tiff or photoshop , so you are able to modify them as you own them as a buyer.

For LE3 as this is DLC packs and not directly the 3D artists selleing the models i don't know ?


But you posted some interesting question for the incoming LE3 store.

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Hello YouGroove and Josh,


thank You for Your answers smile.png

Hope to have no one offended by the post I wrote?

My intention of changing the files was to proceed in learning. Wanted to set up textures different and watch, which effects that would do.

Changing and Watching the result to set up an individual way.


The files and Maps of the DCLs look great for suresmile.png Ready to use.

Just wanted to create something own.

Taking an already animated Model and chaning the textures.

A Model, that works at LE.

Now I know, that I can´t do it this way. Thank You.


Have a nice week,


Leadwerks Standart Edition RTS Creator

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I understand the need to modify a texture or a color to make variation clothes of some zombies for example or to make weapon customizable skins. If you want to modify something you buy the only way is to buy models from some 3D selling sites like Arteria, Dexsoft and many others.

Stop toying and make games

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Not offended, it's just not really a priority. 95% of people just want something that works, and the other 5% are going to make all their own models from scratch no matter what. Most people are sort of one or the other, and trying to provide support for modifying what we already made is not really important. If we go down that route, then there's going to be requests for all kinds of different formats and files and it's just not something I want to bother with.

My job is to make tools you love, with the features you want, and performance you can't live without.

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@YouGroove: I already got bought some Model and Texture Packs at Stores like DexSoft, Terminal 26 or at Turbosquid.

FBX-Models work great with Leadwerks.

But still got no animated f.e. Zombies or something alike that.

If I get an animated FBX-File with attack, walk animations etc. what do I have to look after, to make them going with LE3.3?


@Josh: Good, I did not say someting to bother You. smile.pngsmile.pngsmile.png

I understand, that You have to go after the interests of the large number of users. They want working Models for their Leverls in their Games. Not really worrying about doing all of the work. And to offer a wide variaty of formats would might make it too complicated.



The idea of offering for the MDL and TEX Files for the once, that work with the Files without modification and a second folder called "source" in FBX and TGA Format I would really appreaciate. If it is possible, that would really be great. So if You like to make modifications, You still got the choice to do that.


Have a nice day,


Leadwerks Standart Edition RTS Creator

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