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Framework + LEO - Unable to get shadows

Scott Richmond

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I'm a bit annoyed at myself for not being able to work this out, but why is it that the code pasted below will not give me lighting (other than ambient) and shadows?

Note: The testMap I am loading works fine in the editor.


Game::Game() {

scroll_speed = 0.5;

engine.Create("HiveMind Keeper v0.01", 800, 600, 0, 60);
engine.SetFilters(4, 1);
layer = framework.GetLayer(0);


// Must do this to allow LUA to access them.
SetGlobalObject ("fw",					framework);
SetGlobalObject ("world_main",			framework.main.GetWorld());
SetGlobalObject ("world_transparency",	framework.transparency.GetWorld());
SetGlobalObject ("world_background",	framework.background.GetWorld());
SetGlobalObject ("camera_main",			framework.main.GetCamera());
SetGlobalObject ("camera_transparency", framework.transparency.GetCamera());
SetGlobalObject ("camera_background",	framework.background.GetCamera());

level.buildMap(); // Load test map. 
lastSelectedEntity = level.playerPivot; // Need to init this otherwise we'll crash.


while( !engine.IsTerminated() )
	if( !engine.IsSuspended() )				// Don't do anything if we are not in focus.

		updateInput();						// Check for input and act accordingly.



BuildMap Function:

void Level::buildMap() {

//Actor testGuy(PAWN, Vec3(4, 1, 0), 100);

playerCamera.SetParent( playerPivot );


Programmer, Modeller

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Website: http://srichnet.info

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Seems that you are not setting the fw variable. See gamelib's TGame::Initialize() method how to set it:

luat.Create();						// create the LuaTools object
luat.SetScriptObject("fw",scene.framewerk);		// set the Lua variable fw

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  On 2/5/2010 at 7:52 AM, DJDD said:

Doesn't this line do the same thing?

SetGlobalObject ("fw", framework);


Also, where's the documentation on this?

No, that only sets an object called fw, it's not the same as a Lua variable.

I don't think this is documented in the Wiki yet, but you find several examples which do this.

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Ok, well I've set that up now for use in LEO/Framework:

int luaSize = lua.GetTop();
if( luaSize - lua.GetTop() )
	lua.Pop( lua.GetTop() - luaSize );


Still no luck. Incidently the windwill no longer animates or emits sound anymore. There has got to be something much more simple wrong here. Ideas?

Programmer, Modeller

Intel Core i7 930 @ 3.5GHz | GeForce 480 GTX | 6GB DDR3 RAM | Windows 7 Premium x64

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Website: http://srichnet.info

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The windmill uses the old Lua script and as far as I know is no longer in the SDK DL.

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  On 2/5/2010 at 10:10 AM, Marleys Ghost said:

The windmill uses the old Lua script and as far as I know is no longer in the SDK DL.

Really? Why? Not that it matters, the lua script is sitting in the model folder in my project folder. So all should be well.

Programmer, Modeller

Intel Core i7 930 @ 3.5GHz | GeForce 480 GTX | 6GB DDR3 RAM | Windows 7 Premium x64

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Website: http://srichnet.info

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let me rephrase - The windmill uses the old Lua script and as far as I know The windmill model is no longer in the SDK DL.

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"I used to be alive like you .... then I took an arrow to the head"

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Ah fantastic. Thanks Lumooja. The Windmill now works fine. But still no lighting. I've even integrated the LuaTools function of yours from this post: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/431-2-3-sync/page__view__findpost__p__5053


Sort of running out of ideas. Right now I'm doign a force update of the SDK and will see how that goes.

Programmer, Modeller

Intel Core i7 930 @ 3.5GHz | GeForce 480 GTX | 6GB DDR3 RAM | Windows 7 Premium x64

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Website: http://srichnet.info

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Thanks for taking the time to check this out Lumooja. FYI - The lighting works fine in-editor.


Model {

Programmer, Modeller

Intel Core i7 930 @ 3.5GHz | GeForce 480 GTX | 6GB DDR3 RAM | Windows 7 Premium x64

Visual Studio 2008 | Photoshop CS3 | Maya 2009

Website: http://srichnet.info

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Try adding castshadows here for the light_directional.gmf:



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have you got the scripts folder copied to your appdir?

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no errors in the log file? if your abstract path is to the appdir have you copied over the entities folder?


sorry just throwing things out there really.

AMD Bulldozer FX-4 Quad Core 4100 Black Edition

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