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Hello to all the inhabitants of the forum! I'm experimenting with the third-person camera view in terms of usability for tight scenes with varying height levels and trying to achieve a very specific per-pixel opacity mask filtering. I've had a prototype made in Ultra Engine (the other one) and managed to obtain the basic level of what is needed, but lots of workarounds were required along the road and I can see that it just won't work in a good way without editing the source code of the engine due to some higher-level limitations. The main pillar to achieve the intended visuals is to have a real-time cubemap depth capture of the environment around the player similar to what a point light would have. I was not able to find a ready-to-use entity to capture cubemaps in Ultra Engine. From what I see in the documentation, it will be required to create 6 cameras rendering to unique texture buffers before creating the main camera to make a pre-pass cubemap capture of the scene. Is it right that only a depth test will be performed for a TextureBuffer created with CreateTextureBuffer(..., colorattachments = 0, depthattachment = true, ...)? Is there a way to simplify the cubemap capture setup by having a shared texture buffer? Is there a standardized way to capture cubemaps that I just didn't manage to find? The other requirement is to have another pre-pass with the same view frustrum as the main camera, but with a different shader applied to all the entities of the scene. I've managed to find this article (Shader Families from 24 July 2019) with some information on ShaderFamily which is not available in the documentation (ohh how good it would have been to have it in the docs). From what I see, there is a possibility to have a different shader for different rendering scenario and rendering pass - great, shadow pass switch that I will need later is crossed out! I assume that a regular camera created with CreateCamera method uses the "base" render pass shader group and to have a different fragment shader applied one might set a different material (shader family) to all the required entities duplicates with a different bit passed to Entity::SetRenderLayers. Is there a way to to create a custom render pass shader group and then assign it to a camera instead of the "base" one to use it together with specifying Entity::SetRenderLayers bitmask without the need to duplicate entities?
- 27 replies
- render target
- cubemap
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The most used wokflow is metal/roughness (I think) metalness gives the environment reflection amount. roughness does two things spreads the light so environment reflection would be more blurred spreads the light so specular reflection from light sources would be spread/blurred . Like this: I'm not doing PBR discussion on how to correctly compute energy conservation and all that. It's not really important. But looking at some of the methods anyway on how metal and roughness workflow works. The shader I have used is not accurate PBR shader, but the results are almost similar from what I can tell Usage in Leadwerks 1. Download and install the substance addon from the workshop. [ ] WARNING, this will overwrite lighting shaders for directional, point and spotlight in order to read GLOSS However all your old materials not using substances will look almost the same so you don't need to do an all substance game if you don't want to, you can mix. 2. Export materials from tools like Substance Designer (they will fit right in) using the metalness/roughness workflow or just create your own from scratch, metals are pretty easy to do using just Leadwerks. Exports from Substance Designer should be set up like this with 7 textures: Texture Tab slot 0 (Diffuse) - diffuse/color/albedo map slot 1 (Normal) - normal map slot 2 (Specular) - roughness map slot 3 (Displace) - height map (this texture isn't used, but will be here for future use) slot 4 (Texture 4) - metal map, black is non metal, white is full metal slot 5 (Texture 5) - AO map, this is multiplied by diffuse/color, so use a white if you don't have an AO one. slot 6 (Texture 6) - ***Environment map, used for reflection and ambient, this map must have (important settings) Compression : uncompressed FilterMode : smooth Generate mipmaps, yes Clamp : X,Y,Z ps! Leadwerks default skybox doesn't contain any mipmps and source is not provided and therfore is is useless for usage with substances . ***In game environment mapping (for slot 6) Not so smooth but a possible way: Properties Tab Usually Leadwerks created materials have Specular values set to 128,128,128,128 But we're using these for tuning/offsetting substances, so a good starting point is 255 across the board. A = modifier for ambient envmap lighting (multipled by texture value) R = modifier for the roughness value after specular is read from texture and modified by S S = modfier for the specular term (multipled by texture value) M = modfier for metalness (multipled by texture value) Usually you do not need to tune these since metal, roughness and env are all read from textures, but they are there if you want to fine tune. Shaders Tab Two choices, substance_static.shader for most models substance_anim.shader for bone animated models. Don't have Substance Designer? (neither do I) Ok, very well but I don't have Substance Designer and I need to make gold and iron. That is quite easy: Creating metals from scratch using just Leadwerks, lets make gold: Gold RGB color (google the values): Normalized = 1.000,0.766,0.336 or RGB = 255,195,86 1. Create a new material 2. Assign basic textures an all 7 slots. 0 - white.tex 1 - any normal texture 2 - black.tex 3 - - 4 - white.tex 5 - white.tex 6 - env.tex 3. Adjust diffuse color to 255,195,86,255 (gold color) and Specular to 255,220,255,255 (applying abit roughness) 4. Assign the substance_static.shader: For Iron, use same setup in textures, but these values for diffuse/specular:
Hello, I do use *.fx Shader files and try to get them going at my LE-Project. Got an external Tool, The ShaderTool on Steam. In the desprition it reads, that the current Version supports LE. How can I use this Effect files? The Shader-Files I used so far are *.shader Files (Lua based). Got the Standart Version of the LE. Do I have to install necessaryly a Visual Studio Express to work with these *.fx files? Or could I run the *.fx-files anyway, also without the Visual Studio. Might someone know an answer? That would be great. C.U. REZ
Hello! I know how to attach post-processing effects to a camera via editor as well as programmatically. However, I do not know how to control post-processing shader parameters dynamically. For example, Shadmar's pixelate shader has this variable: const int downgrade = 6; //at original 1920x1080, 6 yields 320x180 Now, how can I change downgrade value via Lua code? Thank you!
Hello, I was just wondering if anyone can point me to any in-depth theories, practices, and tutorials for creating shaders for Leadwerks. I've spent a very short time dissecting some of the shaders that come with Leadwerks, but I don't fully understand how they work. Thanks in advance!
New to the forum with a hello and best wishes to the New Year Where can I find the SSAO shader ? Or download ?
Hi, Can someone please help me find some water shaders I can either buy or download somewhere that would work with leadwerks.. or possibly a certain site that has nothing but 3d models to buy for leadwerks that are compatible with their game files (.fbx files) thank you for your help community! =) also does DAZ3d work with fbx files? i'm sorry i'm asking for so much.. thanks!