This is my first post here. I hope I wont break any rules of this forum...I apologize right now in case i do...
I m a 40 year old game dev. I m mostly an artist although I ve got some tech knowledge.
and yes, english isnt my primary language...
I m currently working for a big game publisher, but I always have few games project at home I work on my free time. some of which i complete other end up just being test...
Anyhow, I ve started to play around with LeadWerks, And I love it...However I have zero Lua knowledge.
A friend programmer will help me later on when he is done in is current project but for now I m on my own.
I Followed the tutorials, and I did tweaked few script to do what I need so far but I reached an wall last night...
So this is my Issues:
-I ve got that lamp in my level. (something like this:
https://s7d2.scene7.com/is/image/BedBathandBeyond/5612514187030p?229$ )
-where the light buld is I ve added an omnie
-Ive set the lamp object so it do not cast shadow.
-To simulate the light going through the lamp shade I ve added on self illum material.
-Finally I ve added a activator script on the omnie and a switch button script on the light switch
OK, so this work fine...the light look nice when it s switched on.
and the button let me switch it off...
However, when my light is turned off I still have the shade self illum
Is there a script somewhere That would I could add to my lamp shades so I can change the shaders, or swap the object, or change the textures loaded into the material???