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Carving does not work for me even in new scene with new brushes
1. Create entity with component that have entity field 2. Set an entity to this field 3. Copy entity with this component 4, In copied entity same field is looks empty, but in fact value is still there (checked in .ultra file), but can't be cleared with X button. After map reload value appeared.
1. Draw a brush outline (i.e. start creating brush but not hit create button) 2. Change Back viewport grid line with [ button couple times 3. Change brush height on Back viewport 4, Hit Create button on Main viewport My settings:
"Assert Failed" when i'm trying to open any map of my game in the Editor after last update (beta, 4th October). Can't reproduce it yet in test project, so probably it's related to Quake models. @Joshyou can just update shaders on latest master branch of Quake Tactics and open any QT map to reproduce it.
If flowgraph button selected an asset view button looks selected. When Asset Library selected both this and flowgraph buttons looks selected
Component text fields do not save pasted text in the Editor
Dreikblack posted a topic in Bug Reports
If i paste a text with Ctrl-V text is not saved in a field. Had to type something to make it save -
Need to apply different mats to different entities with same model. Since i'm using Quake models making another model file with new mat is not an option
1. Create a brush. 2. Apply a texture with console commands: local texture = LoadTexture("/Materials/Developer/") local material = CreateMaterial() material:SetTexture(texture) local selected = program:GetSelection() for n = 1, #selected do local currentBrush = Brush(selected[n].entity) if currentBrush ~= nil then currentBrush:SetMaterial(material) currentBrush:Build() end end 3. Save map - material can be seen in .ultra file. 4, Save map again - material is gone, Brush still have a line in .ultra: "material": 1
1. Create brush 2. Select face. 3. Apply texture: local texture = LoadTexture("/Materials/Developer/") local material = CreateMaterial() material:SetTexture(texture) local faces = program.facepanel:GetSelectedFaces() if (#program.facepanel:GetSelectedFaces() > 0) then for n = 1, #faces do local currentFace = faces[n] if currentFace ~= nil then currentFace:SetMaterial(material) currentFace:GetBrush():Build() end end return end 4. Select other face and apply other texture: local texture = LoadTexture("/Materials/Developer/") local material = CreateMaterial() material:SetTexture(texture) local faces = program.facepanel:GetSelectedFaces() if (#program.facepanel:GetSelectedFaces() > 0) then for n = 1, #faces do local currentFace = faces[n] if currentFace ~= nil then currentFace:SetMaterial(material) currentFace:GetBrush():Build() end end return end 5. Save map and open again Same for prefabs Also editor starts behave clunky after that - slow with delays and freezes
1. Make prefab out of brush 2. Make new group 3. Copy and past couple prefabs 4. Drag into new group created before 5. Save and reopen map - prefabs are beside all groups including Root Maybe original entity deleting requires for reproducing, not sure.
1. Made prefab out of box brush 2. Copied prefab to make a couple dozens of them 3. Brushes are invisible in most cases. 4. I'm not sure how check it properly but picking is also seems to be broken - in my game i can't pick such prefabs at all and have no problems in old maps without prefabs Example map with prefab
1. At start.ultra map copy a player. 2. Change a value in copied entity's ThirPersonControls. 3. First entity have same value now
1. Apply texture to brush 2, Select faces of brush and do auto UV with enabled Unity faces 3. In .ultra file path looks like "texture0": "./Test Project/gfx/all.wad/crate0_top" and after restarting editor (and game) can't load this texture If i fix it manually to "/gfx/all.wad/crate0_top" textures loads correctly I'm using own extension to apply textures from all.wad from rerelase pak0. Textures names "city4_2", "crate0_top". Same happens with usual applied textures from default folders. Extension code: local extension = {} extension.textureField = nil extension.setTextureButton = nil extension.fixModelButton = nil extension.fixYField = nil extension.modelScale = 4.68042326 function extension.hook(event, extension) if == EVENT_WIDGETACTION then if event.source == extension.setTextureButton then if (extension.textureField.text == "") then return end local texture = LoadTexture("/gfx/all.wad/" .. extension.textureField.text) --local texture = LoadTexture("/Materials/Developer/") local material = CreateMaterial() material:SetTexture(texture) local selected = program:GetSelection() for n = 1, #selected do local currentBrush = Brush(selected[n].entity) if currentBrush ~= nil then currentBrush:SetMaterial(material) currentBrush:Build() Print("Seted texture to selected brush "..extension.textureField.text) end end elseif event.source == extension.fixModelButton then local selected = program:GetSelection() for n = 1, #selected do local currentModel = Model(selected[n].entity) if currentModel ~= nil then local entityName = Print("Fixed Quake model: " ..entityName) local fixY = extension.fixYField.text if fixY == "" then fixY = 0.02 end if (entityName == "Marine" or entityName == "Grunt") then fixY = 0.02 elseif (entityName == "Rottweiler") then fixY = 0.1 end currentModel = fixQuakeModelCenter(currentModel, fixY) end end end end end -------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Add extension tab -------------------------------------------------------------------- local sidePanel = program.sidepanel if sidePanel ~= nil then sidePanel:AddItem("QtExt") local sz = program.sidepanel:ClientSize() local panel = CreatePanel(0, 0, sz.x, sz.y, program.sidepanel) local uiY = 20; local label1 = CreateLabel("Wad texture name", 32, uiY, 120, 30, panel) uiY = uiY + 32; extension.textureField = CreateTextField(20, uiY, sz.x - 40, 32, panel) uiY = uiY + 20 + 32; extension.setTextureButton = CreateButton("Set a wad texture to selected brush", 20, uiY, sz.x - 40, 32, panel) uiY = uiY + 20 + 32; local label2 = CreateLabel("Height offset", 32, uiY, 120, 30, panel) uiY = uiY + 32; extension.fixYField = CreateTextField(20, uiY, sz.x - 40, 32, panel) uiY = uiY + 20 + 32; extension.fixModelButton = CreateButton("Fix selected Quake models", 20, uiY, sz.x - 40, 32, panel) end ListenEvent(EVENT_WIDGETACTION, extension.setTextureButton, extension.hook, extension) ListenEvent(EVENT_WIDGETACTION, extension.fixModelButton, extension.hook, extension) function fixQuakeModelCenter(model, fixY) for i = 1, #model.lods do local lod = model.lods[i] for j = 1, #lod.meshes do local currentMesh = lod.meshes[j] currentMesh:Translate(-1 *, -1 * - fixY, -1 * end end model:UpdateBounds(); model:SetScale(extension.modelScale); return model; end
{ "component": { "properties": [ { "name": "teamId", "label": "Team id", "value": 2 }, { "name": "health", "label": "Health", "value": 10 }, { "name": "textureName", "label": "Texture", "value": "city4_2" } ] } } Same problem with default component if i move it to same folder