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I'm using a Vehicle script.lua from FPS template. Once I start driving, after a while, the leadwerks just crashes. Tell me what to do. bug.mp4 LeadwerksRacingTemplate.rar
Due to the game being released on steam, I was able to find a few issues with the game/leadwerks that weren't apparent before. I'll be updating the thread as time goes on for everyone's ease of use, especially Josh. 1 Loading times are long, even using the new --Pause garbage collection System:GCSuspend() --Resume garbage collection System:GCResume() NOT FIXED YET. 2 Switching from windowed to fullscreen is causing the game to stretch more than it should for a user. NOT FIXED YET. 3 Keypad script making some users crash! Made changes to the code ( Thanks SRB ) waiting on player's feedback! 4 ClearPostEffects() bleeds out graphics. FIXED. I'll be updating this post as time goes on.
Hello. When I started creating anything on Linux I discovered that bug. When you run a game window appears, sounds are playing but screen isn't updating (when I walked I heard it saw the window but nothing happened). I used sample projects, and my own.
Hi, I'm just thinking about how would I patch my future released game? There are three cases, considering the standard edition: 1. Leadwerks engine patching - new dlls must be downloaded and replaced to new ones. 2. Scripts, game logic (C++) and the main exe file - this is little confusing to me. Do not know what to replace 3. New content: maps, models (assets) - most things are compressed and secured. An entire new game version could be replaced of course but let's imagine that my game supports In-app content. How new maps, models and other assets could be downloaded to the client and patched correctly? How can I achieve that? Does LE support such things or if doesn't, will do in the near future? Do you faced such problems? Thank you, regards, Piotr
So I was messing around with Leadwerks learning the engine and all and one of the things that I succeded was modding the autopistol with different guns sounds. The problem is is that when I shoot a crawler with the modded autopistol the crawler doesn't take damage and die unlike the regular autopistol. Here are two videos demonstrating this issue, the first video being the regular autopistol being able to kill the crawler and the second being the modded autopistol not being able to kill the same crawler Default autopistol - Modded autopistol - If anyone out there is reading this, please help!