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Hello , I'm using the steam version, my steam nickname is therickman. I'm currently following the tutorials , but it seems there's an issue with the snap to grid function. It works in the top view , but in the other views ( left ; front ) the object does snap , but not to the grid 's grey lines ; it snaps in can see it in the attached picture. Or maybe I didn't do things the right way ?
Like the topic says I can't seem to get any of the maps to run in preview mode, that goes for the sample maps as well - such as the "AI and events" map or the "FPS controller" map. When I attempt to "run" maps in the Leadwerks editor, I am taken to a completely black "run" screen. What could this possibly be?
Hi, I'm very new to Leadwerks and I'm not sure as to why whenever I try to launch Game Launcher or the Leadwerks Game Engine is that nothing is happening aside from a small steam pop up box telling me 'preparing first time setup installing Microsoft VC Redist?' I bought the engine today since it was on sale Computer Specifications: i5-4690 2x8gb Kingston HyperX GTX1060 3gb ddr5 Windows 7-64bit
Hi, today I have a strange problem with the Leadwerks' model editor when it's displaying animation models. The animations cannot be displayed completely, just part of them. And the editor itself also has some problems, the buttons are just blank without any icons or text on them. I will show you the screenshots below. Any one has the same problem? Is that a bug? Waiting for your help. Hardware & Software of my computer: OS: Ubuntu 14.04 LeadwerksSteam edition / Professional edition Cpu: Intel Xeon® CPU E5-2670 0 @ 2.60GHz × 16 Graphics Card: AMD Radeon R9 370 Series
- this script will make a level with boxes, and spawns a camera with : this script attached. When you press the E key, it will generate a new level Everything should make no error, but there is a problem. The "player" spawns in the middle of the level , (most of the time) and once I even had some blocks with no colission at all. The level is generated towards any directiom (-x,x,y,-y...) but mostly not in the direction the player is facing, which makes even more problems. I have no idea at all why these things happen. Maybe the solution is easy but I dont see it.
Hello, like in the tutorial the debug mode should look similar to this: But for me it looks like the attached image. The bottom tabulators "Output", "Warnings", "Errors" and "Debug" are missing. How can I enable these or maybe it's a bug? I use the actual version of Leadwerks. I'm sure that I run the game in debug mode because the main console in the Leadwerks Engine says "Debug process connected.". But nothing more. And another section doesn't exist there either. Thanks for help. Max debug_wrong.bmp
I am not 100% sure if this is a bug, but the Transform:Point() function has a weird behavior for me. If it is my mistake then I am sorry and would also be glad if it can be sovled easily. This is the code I have: local direction = Transform:Point(0, 0, 10, self.entity:FindChild(0), nil) I use it for an NPC, that he is able to pick objects in the world. But my code didnt work so I tried to find the problem. After placing a small box at the "direction" vector I found out that it isnt at the transformed point, other than this it remains at the entity it should be transformed to (the "self.entity:FindChild(0)"). After that I tired to make the "Transform" function work seperatly from my npc, for testing purpose. I created a pivot and an other pivot attached to the first one. The parent pivot has the following script: function Script:Start() local direction = Transform:Point(0, 0, 10, self.entity:GetChild(0), nil) local model = Model:Box(0.05,0.05, 0.05) model:SetPosition(direction) end The direction seems to be the same as the entitys position, no matter what Vector I set in the "Transform" function (for example: local direction = Transform:Point(964, 0, 66, self.entity:GetChild(0), nil)). It does not move, but if I put the exact same code, and pivots into another project it works?? And the raycasting of my player, which is in the same scene and project, works as well. However, I also tried it creating a new map in my project but doesnt seem to work. The player has the following code for the direction: local direction = Transform:Point(0, 0, self.useDistance, self.entity:GetChild(0), nil) --self.entity:GetChild(0) is the "player eye" a pivot infront of the player Sorry if it is my fault, but I just dont know why it doesnt work, without reason??? EDIT: After some more testing I found out that setting the Transform option to the following: Transform:Point(Vec3(0, 0, 999999), self.entity:GetChild(0), nil) just works. The local space of the object seems to be extemley "sensitive". But why is this? EDIT2 (Solution): After like hours of finding the error I found it -.- I was because my npc models scale was 0.001 and not 1.0, I didnt collapsed the model in the model editor. And the Eye pivots scale was 0.001 as well. I am not sure if this is a bug or not? But I guess the local position of an object should not change, depending of its scale or am I wrong???
This is pretty strange. When this collection of barrels are all close together, they appear to be casting a tree-like shadow. To the left of the barrels you can see a single one I moved out of the group, which has the correct shadow. It has to be about that far away to not render the strange tree shadow. There is also a "shadow" line that intersects the entire scene at certain angles, visible in the lower-right. This is not cast by any visual object -- I have no idea where it comes from. I am sending Josh a SVN account on our server to check out the project as this will be much faster than uploading a ZIP file. Hopefully this will be okay. The bug is in Revision 4.
I dont know what I am doing wrong, or if this is a bug. function Script:Start() end function Script:UpdatePhysics() self.entity:SetNavigationMode(true) self.entity:GoToPoint(100,0,100,1.4,1) end This script is attached to the prefab crawler. Inside the Game the crawler floats in mid air doing nothing, collision but no physics work. I have tried this in an other game with this, It is doing the same thing PS: the usual monstarAi script works fine
- 6 replies
- GoToPoint()
- entity:GoToPoint()
(and 2 more)
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When i load a sound properly and that is existed, it will make an error indexing nil. It happens recently with all sounds, the noise script makes no noise also. I have replaced the path with an existing file (in the fpsplayer th footstep ) and also tried it with the noise.lua
Hello I am having a Prob with Bleder and Leadwerks Aniamtions , When I import my character and apply a material with animation shader it looks like this: I have used Blender Rigify to make an advanced Rig. (the rigify "generate" button) In Blender it looks like this (the animations work in blender) : Also I have applied rotaton,scale etc. I have a walk animation, and I also rigged it and imported a new material to test that out, but it doesnt work either. I can post .blend file for private use only if needed.
Hi everybody! So today i thought i would by the software from this company. but after i bought it it turned out i could not use it if i start is it just displays the loading on your cursor and then it vanishes. no message no pop up, nothing... Sooo... i thought maybe the forrum could help me? PLZ? Thanks!
In the editor if you were to move an entity for a large distance, say from <0,0,0> to <8700,0,0> you start getting decimals on your positions even with the grid snap on. You can make it occur with a shorter move if you go into the z axis. There also is almost a hard limit as to where the drifting occurs. I know for certian as you approach 8600 - 8900 in the +x axis the smaller the move is to begin drifting.
... if Map:Load(mapfile)==false then return end zombiesleft= 0 zombieskilled = 0 roundssurvived = 0 zombiesextrahealth = 0 ... this is in the main.lua script function Script:NewRound() roundssurvived= roundssurvived +1 local a = (roundssurvived*.1) + roundssurvived self.maxEnemies= self.maxEnemies + Math:Round(a) end this is in an script attached to a pivot in the scene. The title is misleading in parts, i havent tried local variables yet but it would be nosense. "...: 41 : attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'currentround' (a nil value)" I get this error, am very confused since the calculation below this line that I implemented today worked.
while i was trying to load a tutorial map or add materials to a blank map in the demo version of leadwerks it crashes and says exception access violation how can i fix this and if this keeps happening again i my rethink about buying leadwerks for 100 bucks.
Hi! When I used Entity:Move child entities of model wont work. 3D model is moving but Leadwerks stuff like pivots, cameras etc. won't move. I discovered it on that script: Script.object = "" --entity "Starship" Script.pivot = "" --entity "CameraPos" Script.uppoint = "" --entity "FowardPivot" Script.backpoint = "" --entity "BackPivot" = "" --entity "Camera" function Script:Start() end function Script:UpdateWorld() objectrot = Vec3() if window:KeyDown(Key.W) then self.object:Move(self.uppoint:GetPosition()) end if window:KeyDown(Key.A) then local oldrotation = Vec3() local newrotation = Vec3() oldrotation = self.object:GetRotation() newrotation = oldrotation+Vec3(0,0,0.7) self.object:SetRotation(newrotation) objectrot = newrotation end if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then local oldrotation = Vec3() local newrotation = Vec3() oldrotation = self.object:GetRotation() newrotation = oldrotation+Vec3(0,0,-0.7) self.object:SetRotation(newrotation) objectrot = newrotation end end The Script.uppoint = "" --entity "FowardPivot" is a child of Script.object = "" --entity "Starship" . When i try to move with "W" pivot should go with spaceship but it won't.
Hey guys I'm new to posting on the forum but I have looked everywhere for this issue and some people had this issue but their solutions didn't work. Anyway, anything that I add from the workshop is not working, I get the failed to download error. You can see in the attached file (background from one of the tutorials ) where the error happens. This does in fact happen with every DLC I have tried. I saw someone note that new addons are possibly zipped but cannot find said files. checked the addons folder and only has previous addons I had in the past (over a year ago) any help would be great! You can see in the second picture that the addons folder only has the old addons I had over a year ago, none of the new ones I have tried. I also want to note that I did reinstall as well and tried in adminstrator. Cheers!
I have been getting into some frustration with the car script: This is a video of what happens when I make everything right. I have installed the prefab car and made everything just like in the car, tire 0,1,,2,3 at the right positions and name, physics are all the same . When I make the physics shape a box, the tires just disappear and nothing happens :I In the Video the physics shape is a polyhedron, I havent even started the engine and that happens. Also I have tryed all other physics shape but none worked. rover_mesh.fbx
Help! My game won't launch. Whenever I launch it, a pop-up window appears and says "Failed to initialize sound device. Is OpenAL installed?" I've narrowed it down to two things. 1, OpenAL is installed and won't load the game, or B, OpenAL isn't installed. if option A, what do I do, and if option 2, what do I do BACKGROUND: I've been able to use this before (like a lot... more than I feel is good for me...). It never has had any problems. I've also downloaded games for leadwerks, where it makes me install OpenAL, and have installed OpenAL before. But I have a timeline and need to finish my game for a school competition and now am feeling super rushed. PLEASE HELP ME!
Hello Everyone! I recently purchased the Indie Edition of Leadwerks off of Steam, and have been enjoying it. I noticed that I can't orbit / look around in the perspective editor, unlike the documentation says. Has this happened to anyone else? Thanks. Edit: I also forgot to mention that when I try to use "Debug" mode, I only get the script editor window, and no game appears. Anyone else?
I also have a Intel® HD 4000 graphic card and 2.2 - 3.2 ghz , but i open the software and it results in the common "Failed To Configure Graphics" But I downloaded the Intel driver and I get an error Message saying 'the driver being installed is not validated for this computer, please obtain the appropriate driver from the manufacture" I have a i7 core and I m using my acer aspire V3-571-9646, I used to have a desktop but It died GG this is my first laptop, so im not very well informed on the drivers ,thanks for reading