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vec3 adjustSaturation(vec3 color, float saturation) { // Convert color to grayscale float gray = dot(color, vec3(0.299, 0.587, 0.114)); // Blend the original color with the grayscale version return mix(vec3(gray), color, saturation); }
Would it be possible disable shadows for a single light in the fragment shader, with some shader manipulation?
I have packed integers and floats into a texture to use in my shader. Information is packed into the texture by poking a buffer and then assigning that buffer to an RGBA texture. The following code extracts an integer from a texelFetch result in the fragment shader. It seems to work well. int BytesToInteger( in vec4 pixel ) { return ( int( ( pixel.w * 255.0f ) ) << 24 ) | ( int( ( pixel.z * 255.0f ) ) << 16 ) | ( int( ( pixel.y * 255.0f ) ) << 8 ) | int( ( pixel.x * 255.0f ) ); } However the same process does not work for floats and I'm sure there is a reason why but I can't figure it out. Any one know the answer? float BytesToFloat( in vec4 pixel ) { return float( ( int( ( pixel.w * 255.0f ) ) << 24 ) | ( int( ( pixel.z * 255.0f ) ) << 16 ) | ( int( ( pixel.y * 255.0f ) ) << 8 ) | int( ( pixel.x * 255.0f ) ) ); }
UltraEngine Utilities
klepto2 posted a blog entry in UltraEngine - Experiences, add-ons and other Stuff
In this post, I want to introduce you to my GitHub repository: Currently, there is not that much available, but I am working on adding more utilities and helper classes, which will help to work with UltraEngine. I had the privilege to be one of the first users of UltraEngine and was able to see the enormous amount of potential right from the beginning. So with the repo, I want to give some of the small or bigger helpers I have developed or made compatible for UltraEngine to the public. Available Features: namepace UltraEngine::Utilities::Shader ShaderCompiler A class which allows you to compile UltraEngines glsl-shaders to SPIRV format from code. ShaderWatcher This class uses the UltraEngine::FileSystemWatcher to watch changes for all available shaders used by your program It parses the ShaderFamilies Keeps track of includes Recompilation of shaders as soon as the shader file changes Automatically reloads shaders when the compilation was succesfully Sample code: How To use the Shadercompiler: #include "UltraEngine.h" #include "ComponentSystem.h" #include "include\Utilities.h" using namespace UltraEngine; using namespace UltraEngine::Utilities::Shader; int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { auto compiler = CreateShaderCompiler(); auto result = compiler->Compile("Shaders/GUI/WidgetBlock.frag", "Shaders/GUI/WidgetBlock.frag.spv"); if (result->IsSuccesfull()) { Print("Shader compiled succesfully!"); for (auto f : result->GetIncludedFiles()) { Print("Shader includes: " + f); } } else { Print("Shader compilation failed!"); Print(result->GetError()); } ... } How to use the ShaderWatcher: #include "UltraEngine.h" #include "ComponentSystem.h" #include "include\Utilities.h" using namespace UltraEngine; using namespace UltraEngine::Utilities::Shader; int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { auto watcher = CreateShaderWatcher(); watcher->Start(); ... } Future Features: Multiple Widgets ContainerWidgets: FlowPanel StackPanel TableLayoutPanel Scintilla Integration plain Scintilla Wrapper Advanced SyntaxEditor -widget will encapsulate some advanced features like inlining etc. Vulkan-Utilities: A port and slightly modified Version of Sascha Willems I am as well working on some more advanced stuff, but there i have to decide how to publish them. ComputeShader-Integration Real-time PBR-Environment-Calculations Atmospheric scattering Ocean and Water rendering Here are some Screens and Animations showing some of the above Features: -
I'm currently trying to write a shader that makes every triangle of the mesh point to the position of the camera regardless of the camera's rotation. I think I can multiply the vertex positions in the vertex shader by a one of the matrices but I'm not sure which one or how. And I think the camera matrix will rotate the triangle to the same orientation as the camera and not just point to it's position? Basically I need the vertex shader (or geometry if it's easier) to do what Entity::Point() does but on each triangle and not the mesh as a whole. Anyone got any ideas on how to do this? ? EDIT : I've been getting the direction the camera like this; normalize( - cameraposition)
I'm looking for someone to write a terrain shader that will texture a terrain model based on height and slope. I want it to use uniforms for the height and slope of each layer so I can change them through code. It will need to use at least four layers - each with diffuse, normal and specular maps. If it can use more layers that would be better. Also I would like the option to use an alpha map to further control where textures are shown. The terrain is a cube, pictured below; Would like it by the end of the month if possible. Will pay for the work too. PM me if interested.
I've put together a quick shader that will show the object in wire-frame and draw lines to show the direction of each vertex normal. But the normal's don't seem to be acting correctly. Is somehow able to show me what I'm doing wrong? I have a feeling it something to do with the cameraprojection matrix, but unsure how to fix it. I used the info from this site;
I've taken a look at the terrain.shader that comes with Leadwerks to see if I can modify it to my needs, but I'm not sure where to start. What I want is to texture a grid mesh of a terrain with multiple textures based and height and slope, and maybe even an alpha map. If someone is able to point me in the right direction or even a small snippet of code that shows how the height and slope can change where a texture is shown I'd appreciate it. Thanks.
I'm currently trying to subdivide a triangle in the geometry shader. I put the material using the shader on a plane made from two triangles. However it seems that the coordinates in GLSL are different to that in Leadwerks? That the positive X axis in Leadwerks is actually the negative X axis in the shader. And the same for the Z axis. The Y axis seems fine. I want the shader to turn the plane of two triangles into a more detailed grid for a terrain. I know the shader works on each triangle, so I will have to divide each triangle itself into the appropriate triangles so that the end result in game looks like a uniform grid. I've thought of tessellation but I don't think it'll give me the results I'm looking for. Any help with this is appreciated. Thanks.
I am a bit of a GLSL noob. You are the experts so this is probably easy to answer. I want to draw a 2D color gradient (as part of the ui) on screen. Lets say I want the gradient to be drawn at x: 100 y:100 and have a with of 200 and a height 50. I guess I would have x, y, width and height as uniforms in my shader (I will figure out the rest of the glsl later on). Ok now for one of the questions. Should I use SetShader on Leadwerks::Context to apply my shader? Something like this: Leadwerks::Shader *myShader; Leadwerks::Context *context; ... myShader->SetInt("pos_x", 100); myShader->SetInt("pos_x", 100); myShader->SetInt("dim_width", 200); myShader->SetInt("dim_height", 50); context->SetShader(myShader); Another question is. Should I set the shader before or after world->Render(); My guess is after. And yes, I want to use a shader. Thank you for all the help I can get.
Simple animated flag shader (prefab) with windspeed controls.
shadmar posted a topic in Game Artwork
Flag shader with some controls : Install: unzip into project root Drag Prefabs/Flag/LEFlag into scene Adjustables: In scene/script tab Wind Frequency Wobble SpeedFactor You can easily swap out the flag model with something more exciting than mine. Pics shows when wind is 0.5 and 1.0 -
I used the GLSL export plugin from Blender in order to use with the game engine as a material, but I can't seem to use it properly. I tried following the information provided by the Leadwerks wiki, but I'm not a programmer, so I don't know how to properly call the .vert and .frag files into Leadwerks. Any indication of what to do would be greatly appreciated!
Hi, is it possible to use the depthbuffer for postprocessing effects? I looked at all the existing postprocessing shaders and saw, all of them only use the color-texture, which is retrieved by uniform sampler2D texture1; I also found, that texture2 contains some kind of a cobblestone texture but all the other slots seem to be empty. Also I saw, it is possible to push a Vec4 Uniform to the shader by (C++): myShader->SetVec4("foo", Vec4(0,0, 1, 1)); (GLSL): uniform vec4 foo; but I didn't find any way of pushing an arbitrary texture as a uniform.
Hello! I think that you should add another thread specifically for tutorials. We can see that the community is growing in numbers daily, and we could use something like this. I feel like it would keep the General Discussion thread neater, and would make it easier for someone new to locate help (besides the default text documentation).
I need to place large flat game objects (flat boxes), then drill about 3-5 holes straight through of various sizes and shape. Then later I need to resize/shape the holes. Can Leadwerks use CSG at gametime to accomplish this? Or a moveable object that simply subtracts an overlapping area from any object it intersects, and support for one object to be intersected by multiple subtractors. If so I'll buy immediately Thanks, -Idle
When you want to add a texture parameter to a shader, there's no way to tell in the material editor which texture goes to which shader parameter without reading the code. The material editor should look at the shader code and look for comments on the same line that the sampler2D is declared. It could then take the name in that comment and put it in the material editor. Pretty simple feature, right? If you want to make it so that people didn't name a sampler2D in the material editor unintentionally, you could make it so that it requires syntax like: uniform sampler2D texture5; // @name Specular Power
As you all may know i have played a lot with the postprocessing feature currently implemented in Leadwerks 3.1. I have to admit Josh was right with implementing them in a stack. But with everything which seems to be easy at first i found some issues which in my opinion need to be adressed. the glsl and lua shaders are nice, but i think a small envelope object for a postprocess might be needed. you can add additional information like a dictionary of shader or script variables which can be accessed and modified from outside [*]the AddPostProcess should at least return an index but better the previously mentioned envelope object together with an index. Add methods to add Posteffects at a specified index and AddFirst and AddLast Helps to manage posteffects which are essential to be rendered at first/last [*]Something which might be hard to maintain, but might be useful for workshop effects and others Add a global buffer dictionary maybe with some naming convention based on buffer usage, size and pixelformat Currently all posteffects with identical buffers would need to create them on their own which leads in unneeded rendering and texture memory [*]A general addition mostly related to (in my case) to posteffects would be a way to add layers of worlds to the editor, eg for volume fog primitives or water regions. Why? Currently the posteffects are nearly unmaintable either from code or from Editor. Without the usage of global tables where you save your variables there is no way to interact with the posteffects. Also with global tables as a variable store you rely on 3rd parties or you need to modify the posteffects on your own which might be a pain for non shader users and artists. This is what came into my mind when working with the post effects. I have some more additions in mind but these are the most important ones from my point of view. cheers klepto2
I'm struggling even with a buddy already, on learning LUA. He's busy I dont like bothering him, so the next best thing would be to learn with some one strictly on learning coding or to be taught. Any body up for the task or want to learn together?
hi guys me and my buddy are working on a game which will be a survival horror and we have been trying to figure out how to attach a model of a flashlight to our fps controller so the arms/hands and flashlight are always shown and follow the camera
To buy or not to buy? I want to be able to create absolutely STUNNING landscapes, and be able to explore it in my project. The in game editor aint bad but, have you seen W.M? Is it worth it? Is it possible to export EVERYTHING youve created in W.M and then import it into Leadwerks? Trees, water and everything orrr, what? Before I purchase it I want to make a good decision. lol I dont want to spill the idea of my project but I will say this, its obviously going to be a huge open world. Hopefully the size of Chernarus in DayZ.
My buddy who I am working with is making models via cinema, and he bakes the texture and all that but when we import the model its completely white and untextured and just BASIC! How do we get textures to ....export and everyithg with the texture applied to it? Any help would GREATLY be appreciated.
How is everybody? Any body have a project they want to share?
Hello guys! My friend and I just bought Leadwerks. I decided to stream so that you can learn with me / give me tips. And that way the staff on here can see how a total newbie to the engine feels. I hope you enjoy! Link: Update:: Lots of learning happening, thank you pillar!!! 10 Hours into the stream!