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  1. Today
  2. Installer is now available here: https://github.com/Leadwerks/leadwerks.github.io/raw/main/LeadwerksClient.exe
  3. I have updated the client / updater to work with the leadwerks.com domain. Here is a zip file with the files. If everything is good, then I will proceed to make an installer for it. I was able to log out, log in, install, and update without any issues. LeadwerksClient.zip
  4. I updated those pages. https://github.com/Leadwerks/Documentation/blob/master/CPP/CreateThread.md https://github.com/Leadwerks/Documentation/edit/master/CPP/Thread_GetState.md
  5. this is very intresting. So the leak could be related to lights ?
  6. Also it should be Start instead of Resume in GetState and false as param in CreateThread for preventing run. Something like that: #include "Leadwerks.h" using namespace Leadwerks; void ThreadFunc() { Sleep(1000); } void PrintState(shared_ptr<Thread> thread) { switch (thread->GetState()) { case THREAD_READY: Print("Ready"); break; case THREAD_RUNNING: Print("Running"); break; case THREAD_FINISHED: Print("Finished"); break; } } int main(int argc, const char* argv[]) { //Create thread auto thread = CreateThread(std::bind(ThreadFunc), false); PrintState(thread); //Execute thread thread->Start(); PrintState(thread); //Wait for thread to finish thread->Wait(); PrintState(thread); return 0; }
  7. Hi Everyone, I've created and uploaded some brand new music tracks to share with the community: "PIXEL BALLOONS" "PIXEL BALLOONS_v1" "PIXEL BALLOONS_v2" You'll find them here: https://soundimage.org/puzzle-music-8/ As always, they're 100% free to use with attribution, just like my thousands of other music tracks, sounds and images. OTHER HELPFUL STUFF: Higher-Quality Ogg Music Packs are here: https://soundimage.org/ogg-game-music-mega-pack/ https://soundimage.org/ogg-music-packs-2/ For Custom Music Inquiries: https://soundimage.org/custom-work/ Please stay safe...and keep being creative! :-)
  8. Yesterday
  9. When our forum system gets updated to Invision Power Board 5, you will need to sign in with your email address and password, instead of your display name. This is a change they are making for improved security. Please make sure you know what email address is associated with your account, and update if it necrssary: https://www.leadwerks.com/community/settings/email
  10. it would be good if it was possible to pass custom params, lets say you make a new entity by using a component you could pass its params and make it affect something idk
  11. There is no camera loaded when viewing the 2D menu. Example here: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/CreateButton?lang=cpp
  12. No luck with SetOrder as well? https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/Camera_SetOrder?lang=cpp You can also take a look how i did loading a game from menu and loading menu from a game: https://github.com/Dreikblack/CppTutorialProject
  13. Examples that does not works (beside Ultra-Leadwerks naming): https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/CreateThread?lang=cpp https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/Thread_GetState?lang=cpp
  14. Using examples from: https://www.ultraengine.com/learn/GUI?lang=cpp I can build the UI as i want, and it works fine, when the user presses "start game" i switch to the main game loop, loading all of the objects for the game. When the user presses ESC, it removes the world, scene, objects, etc then reloads the UI, and enters the UI loop. The problem is, the user interface buttons etc are all hidden behind a frozen screen of the last view in the 3D game. The buttons can be clicked, but you cannot see them. I tried to find a way to clear the screen before loading the UI, but have not found anything in the documentation.
  15. Last week
  16. Little update. Created a more complex shape for the base, and am going to bake out the normal map as well, etc. Haven't used Blender seriously since somewhere in the 3.x versions, and am a bit rusty, so... re-learning to bake normals and all that fun stuff. Here's the process so far. Terrainer's material nodes are applied still in all these. Just need to smooth out some "clunky" spots on the decimated mesh, then create the new UV-Map and bake the textures for the final result. Next round I'll be replacing the textures with my own. Or I might just download some from TextureHaven or something. Will have to dig into the material nodes and swap out the textures, etc. I really like this tool so far. Lots of flexibility, pretty straight-forward to use, and really nice results.
  17. I did a search for this here, but didn't find any matches, so.. decided to share. I came across a tool earlier for Blender that looks to have a lot of potential with creating some nice looking terrain and features (cliffs, boulders, etc). It's called "Blender Auto-Terrainer". It uses complex modifiers to apply geometry and shader nodes to make it look like an actual terrain, including texturing, and scattering of grass/rocks/etc if you wish. I wondered if it would be applicable to create lower-poly features in games. So, I've been testing it out and, at least on a simpler object so far, it seems to work great. I attached a couple shots of what I made for my first test. Super simple. I forgot to take shots of the base item, but it was a very simple rectangular shape with 12 faces per side (back and bottom removed). I nudged around vertices a bit to make it vaguely "cliff-shaped". My basic process was: 1 - Create the base "rough" object. 2 - Append the modifiers from the source .blend file. 3 - Tweak the settings 'til I liked it. 4 - Applied the Modifiers. 5 - Decimated the final object to get the poly count down. 6 - Did a very basic UV-Unwrap of the final object. 7 - Baked the material (diffuse only for this first test) to a new image. 8 - Saved and exported the final texture map. 9 - Exported to glTF 10 - Imported to Ultra Engine My next tests will involve swapping out the included textures with my own, and baking more of the channels (normal, etc) for a more detailed result. But for now, this shows promise! If I do end up using it more extensively, I'll definitely be buying the full version and throwing the creator a tip. Here's the main page for the tool: https://unicornhunter.gumroad.com/l/AutoTerrainer Here's a vid showing the tool and how it works, etc...
  18. Not sure if this is a bug or not, but I wouldn't have thought Camera::Project() to behave this way; Using this function to draw an indicator on the screen based on an item in world position. It works correctly when the item is in the camera's field of view, but it also still returns valid screen coordinates when the item is not in the camera's field of view. Is this expected?
  19. it would be really good to have FSR and would help with performance https://www.amd.com/en/products/graphics/technologies/fidelityfx/super-resolution.html and works on both nvidia and amd compared to DLSS
  20. Here's an example prefab. I've made a new report but then saw this topic. bleh.zip
  21. Alienhead

    Tessallation, mildy.

    After some tweaking some materials and a few other things, I was able to get SSAO, tone-mapping, bloom and ... TESSELLATION all working and still above 200 fps. For those messing with tessallation I'll tell you what I learned.. SCALE means everything. There s a point where a fraction of a number can tip the scales and ruin everything.
  22. You need to install driver 24.7.1 until the issue is resolved.
  23. Hi Everyone, I've created some new one-of-a-kind fantasy wood textures to share with the community. You'll find them here: TXR - WOOD - FANTASY https://soundimage.org/txr-wood-fantasy/ OGG MUSIC PACKS If you happen to be using my music in your projects, please don't forget to check out my higher-quality Ogg Music Packs. These packs enable you to download all of my music tracks at once for various genres..a real time-saver. You can even download all of my game music at once with my Ogg Music Mega Pack. You'll find them here: https://soundimage.org/ogg-music-packs-2/ https://soundimage.org/ogg-game-music-mega-pack/ As always, enjoy, stay safe and keep being creative. :-)
  24. I'm also having the same issue, RX 6700 XT and Windows 11. Driver version 25.3.1. This is a big problem for AMD users.
  25. ok, i have to build the hole map again. it only function if i build a new map . so i think you have first bild new map. after that you have to build always the navmesh . no models or brushes then if you place models or brushes only use under "tools" --> "Build Navigation" . that was now my way and now my npc do what they have to do . Models and Vegetation i build after all NPC and Characters do what they have to do .
  26. Some components are abstract or being created only by game code so auto created json for them are just excess files and also clutter the component list in the Editor which is already is not due unavailability to make deeper subfolders.
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