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SCOT - Myst game with realtime physics/puzzles and action.




Hi all,


Here's the latest news on SCOT ('Seventh Crystal of Theia'), formaly known as CELL. smile.png

Roland and me decided to change the name to SCOT, because it tells a bit more about the game, and also because it sounds good.

Roland and myself have been doing a lot of work, and the game is really starting to get shape.

We have similar ideas about the game, which is really nice, and we get along very good, so I would like to thank Roland for being such a great guy! Thanks, man. wink.png

Working as a team requires good communication, and a lot of give and take.

At the moment, Roland is doing a great job on getting triggers/events working in the game. The transition from one level to another already works, and Roland is also working on game settings.

Anyways, I'm going to tell a bit more about the game (not in detail, that's for later...tongue.png), plus show you some new ingame screenshots.

So, as said before, the game will have similarities of games such as Myst, Riven, Uru, etc...but, also different.

As for the realtime physcis/puzzles, think of traps that could happen in movies such as 'Indiana Jones'. biggrin.png

Celly is the main character which you'll have to guide throughout the game, solving puzzles, fighting monsters, avoiding/escaping traps in order to find seven crystals that are hidden somewhere in the 'worlds' she'll be exploring. The whole game is in parts, or so called 'themes', and each theme has several 'cells' or 'worlds'.

The first theme is 'desert'.

After Celly has finished a 'cell', she will return to the 'Backyard', which works like a portal to go from one 'world' to another, plus it's also the place where changing game settings will be done.

Okay, enough with the small talk, time for some screens. biggrin.png


Here's an image of the 'Backyard' (Roland made the very nice looking door, plus redid the statues uv mapping and texture, and he did an excellent job at it!):




Here's an image of some vegetation I did, plus the new 'environment' settings:




This is a screenshot of Celly inside the cave (added a few glowing mushrooms):




Image of a sandbridge:




And, finally, a screenshot of Celly inside a building, which is part of the puzzles:




More news will come soon. Thanks for your interest.



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That's a very cool floor, grass grows on it!


The artwork looks great! I can't wait to see more.


This kinda makes me feel bad, I post here and all but I am not really doing anything with LE. Oh well, hopefully soon.

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Thanks, guys! :)


That's a very cool floor, grass grows on it!

Heheheh, yeah...it's a very special floor. ;-) :P


This kinda makes me feel bad, I post here and all but I am not really doing anything with LE. Oh well, hopefully soon.

Best to get started then, man! If you're not too good at programming, you could try finding someone who is, and has similar ideas about games. ;-)



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Guest Red Ocktober


very moody and immersive scenes... real nice... but you're definitely gonna loose your PG13 rating if you don't do something with that statue you've got sitting on the right of the piccy...


maybe a lil less "healthy" :)



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We appreciate the nice comments, everyone! Thanks. smile.png

We're going for dreamy, fairytale like worlds, but at the same time realistic.


but you're definitely gonna loose your PG13 rating if you don't do something with that statue you've got sitting on the right of the piccy...

Uhm...yeah...forgot to tell...this game will be rated +90. Hehehhe! tongue.png

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