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Mutant Madness - Building placement part 2




Building selection

A little update on the building placement. You can scroll with your mousewheel to select a different tower.

I made the following code to cycle through the towers:

//Mouse wheel checking
		m = LE.MouseZ();
		if (prevM < m)
			if (selectionID > 4)
				selectionID = 0;
				Console.WriteLine("now 0");
		else if (prevM > m)
			if (selectionID < 0)
				selectionID = 4;
				Console.WriteLine("now 4");
       prevM = LE.MouseZ();




Range ring

Instead of creating a decal I thought it would be nice to display some rotating meshes to show the range of a tower. At the moment the meshes are not being adjusted by the terrain height but that is something on the to-do list. One thing I noticed was that the FPS dropped heavily when using this range ring. A loop was interfering with the process causing a lot of unnecessary instances being created.




Firing towers

I made a small beginning with the tower's firing mechanism. Towers are now able to lock on to a target if it is within range. The bunker and sniper tower are the only towers with a working firing mechanism. The canon and the flamer use rotation and have extra calculations for damage, rotation and area impact.




Recommended Comments

You can simplify your code quite a bit actually by using the mod operator... (Assuming it's C, which it looks like)




//Mouse wheel checking
m = LE.MouseZ();
int CurrentTowerCount = 5; //Every time you add a tower, increment this - this should actually have a higher scope visibility than just this function, otherwise it will keep resetting this value to 5 towers (0 through 4) every time it checks for mouse movement
if (prevM != m)
(selectionID += (prevM - m)) %= CurrentTowerCount; //If it's going the wrong way, swap the += for a -=
prevM = m;//I'm guessing you had this line as well...

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