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Game Dev Year 2 - On the right path(finding)





It has been quite a while since I have been active on werkspace or with Leadwerks. Still, even after working with severall Engines and Frameworks, I allways come back to Leadwerks. I don't know what it is. The coding? The Visuals? The ease of use? The lighting? Anyway, I had some time of, since homework was fairly quickly finished. Spare time has been scarce so I am glad I can finaly make some time werkspace...


Year 2

Year 2 of Game development is an enormous improvement on the first year. First of there are the team projects that are more interessting. Working with XNA, Kinect, Android, Motion Capture and Unity was a lot of fun. I learned quite a lot of new programming skills. Not perse programming methods, but more algorithms and terminology.


Algorithm and Data structures

Take for instance my class: Algorithm and Data structures. A very interessting class. It is so satisfying to finally understand what some of advanced programmers on this forum are talking about. Some interesting subjects are:

  • Big O (Log N, Log(1), O(n) )
  • quick sort, merge sort, swap sort, other sortings,
  • Dijkstra (Check out the clickable flash demo beneath)


  • Binary treas (huffman coding)
  • Stacks
  • Heaps (Hof)


Last month we started with Artificial Intelligence. Wow, a whole new world of programming opens all of the sudden. The A* pathfinding lesson was very interesting (hence the new video tutorial about pathfinding). I am also looking forward to Flocking, Boids, steering behaviour and Learning AI's. And who knows what kind of new tutorials this might bring along.


I still have a lot of inspiration left from Marley's ghost AI grid and Flocking system, Pixel perfect's 'stranded' showcase and Josh's Navigation mesh generator. Flocking and steering AI (wouldn't a race game with enemies be fun?!?) is up for the next 2 months. I will keep you posted on the cool parts.





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... lot of inspiration left from Macklebee's AI grid and Flocking system,


er... that would be Marleys Ghost's AI grid and Flocking system... as much as I would like to take credit for his work, I cannot... but i like to think i am his muse for such endeavors... lol wub.png


Haha lol, sorry Marley. I'll change it right away. Somehow I changed your comment?!

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Sounds like you are really getting into the interesting stuff now Aggror, AI is where the real interest is for me, I'm sure you'll find it equally fascinating and rewarding. Great that you spend the time to develop tutorials to hand some of this knowledge on to others too!

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