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Post 1: On 'Beyond Civilization'




Post 1: On 'Beyond Civilization'


Hey guys! After lurking around in the Leadwerks forums for quite a while now, I thought it was time to present what I am actually working on.


The team:



I am the lead programmer and teamleader of a group of people developing a video game (well, who isn't^^). Our team is called '
Clockwise Studios
' and currently consists of 8 people - 2 Programmers, 2 Leveldesigners, 1 concept artist, a modeller and two people doing web design, management and game design.


The game:


Beyond Civilization is a 3D role playing game set in 1628. You play the young Jan Walraven who is stranded on a seemingly deserted island, together with the crew of his ship and a troup of spanish mercenaries.

Soon the group discovers that they are definately not alone on the island and an exciting adventure begins...




Our clear role model for Beyond Civilzation is
Gothic 1 / 2
. This doesn't mean we're just copying it though - rather we want to create a unique RPG with a
rough world
gripping story
distinctive NPC's
challenging gameplay
which somewhat feels like our favourite game.




The main focus of Beyond Civilization is on
. There is no magic (at least not in the conventional sense), no respawning enemies and no magic volcano stones - instead there are quests that go further than a "get me 10 wolf hides" and that can be solved in many ways. You can either scheme a giant intrigue to accomplish your mission - or just beat the stuff out of your target. But even the last option is not always as boring as it seems since the
fighting system
requires a lot of skill, so that even a player with bad equipment can defeat almost any enemy.


The game also contains
survival elements
as you might know them from games as Stranded I/II. Especially in the beginning of the story, water and food are rare. The only weapons and "buildings" are pieced together from parts of the wreckage. So you will have to hunt, trade or plant stuff so that you don't die of hunger or thirst.

Items can be
to new ones so that you can tinker new wepaons, a hut or a collection container for water.



We also want to include an extensive
multiplayer part
where groups of players can compete in short matches. Here, classic game modes as King Of The Hill or Deathmatch will be available as well as selfmade creations which will put focus on the survival part of the game, for example.





Obviously selfmade player model, huh?


We're using the
LE version with a custom
C# wrapper
that is based on the old one by Lazlo and Tyler (I think?) and a modified version of the LETKControl that klepto2 once did... so thanks to you, guys. The back and forth with LE.NET, Leadwerks.NET etc. was not so cool though, so I guess we'll stick with our own wrapper for now.

We also have a few
editor scripts (you might know my
or the
, but we prefer to do
scripting in C#
, too.

@RekindledPhoenix: Yep I will re-publish those soon


That should be enough for now, I can tell you more about the stuff we are doing in
future blog posts
, in case you are interested


This blog:


Not so sure what I want to post on this blog in the future. I thought it would be a good idea to post a mixture of game concept, some story pieces, some code snippets we wrote and other development related stuff regularily.

But hopefully someone in here is interested in this project, so maybe you could tell me what you want to know about youself


Greetings from Bavaria




Recommended Comments

looks great Gandi... i was wondering where you had disappeared to and was doing... very cool.concerning the decal script, you may want to be aware of this bug in LE2.43:http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/tracker/issue-187-terrain-resolutionmeterspertile-not-working/I found that due to your decal script. So maybe set the values by selecting as a property dialog in the script?


Ah, thanks. I'll take care of that as soon as I can find time... pretty busy at the moment.

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Glad to see you're still around, Gandi. Your project sounds very interesting, I hope you plan to keep posting progress, and additional information about the project overall.

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Sounds great. I really like the concept art and the overall outline of the game with its focus on realism. Looking forward to seeing and hearing more!

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