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Data Loss Announcement




First, so you don't have to read through all my rambling, the website database is set back to November 2010, and there is no way around it.


I was working with the forum software on Sunday, 4-17, and I was just very pleased with how things were working. I saw there was an update for the bug tracker application, and the change list just mentioned some bug fixes, so I felt okay installing it. The new version removed custom issue fields, which we use extensively for listing hardware, drivers, operating systems, etc.


It's not very easy to revert to previous software versions. I had performed a full website backup earlier that day, so I figured the best way to revert the tracker app would just be to have the IT admin revert the server to the backup I had made. I'd downloaded it to my local hard drive and it was intact, and also still available on the server. I also had an earlier full website backup I made on April 2. I figured this would be a minor inconvenience that would take the forum offline for a few hours.


Here's the interface in CPanel:



I also talked to the IT admin and they assured me that the full website backup does includes MySQL databases. I sent the following message to them Sunday afternoon:

There is a backup file on my server called “__________.tar.gz”. I would like my domain www.leadwerks.com restored to the state it was at the time this backup was created.


Please note we have several MySQL databases and some complex forum software installed. I need the backup to restore everything it to its previous state at the time the backup was created. I chose “Download or generate a full website backup” in CPanel > Backups to generate this file.


My caution in this email might indicate I had a suspicion something was wrong. Did I somehow know something would go wrong? Should I have? This thought is nagging me right now.


I've been on the phone with tech support for a couple days, but you don't need the whole story. The outcome is the server was erased and repopulated with the contents of the backup archive. All files were intact, but the databases were not saved when the backup was performed. The previous backup I had was from April 2, which would not be a terrible loss. It appears the same occurred then. In fact, since I have been dutifully saving full website backups since November, thinking I was making extra effort to be on the safe side, the databases were never being saved in the archive. So the last copy of the forum database I have is from November 2010. I've been quite diligent with backing the site up, but that doesn't mean anything if the backups aren't working. The host automatically backs up sites under 10 gb every 24-36 hours, but that size excludes us.


Although it was easy to bring the forum software up to date, all forum data since November 2010 is gone forever. The loss of this is staggering. To me, and to others here.


You can get your screenshots here in a single package. They're randomly named, but if you really need something you can find it, and it's divided up by month:



I still have all the attached files from posts, blogs, downloads, etc., but they are randomly named and I don't know how possible it is to go through them.


The thing that really hurts is the lost documentation that was created after November. That's going to take time to recover from. We'll recover, but the loss is still sinking in for me. Jorn worked really hard on that at a reasonable pay rate and I feel really bad about it.


I have records of all registered users. If you registered for your Leadwerks account after November of 2010, your account will be recreated and your password will be set to your registration key you received.


The wiki and old forum are fine.


The new forum skin is fine, but not installed at the moment.


This must never happen again.


First, a better backup protocol is needed. The most important thing is that the backups actually be valid backups. Obviously, I've learned that MySQL databases must be backed up individually and that a full website backup from CPanel is not reliable. Data is saved to a 2 TB external hard drive. Additionally, I am opening a safe deposit box where code and site data are regular deposited. I already thought I was doing everything right, so at this point I feel like I can't be too careful.


Second, I am locking the forum software at the current versions, unless a critical vulnerability is discovered. In 2009, all we had was an installation of PHPBB. The idea for Werkspace was something Annika came up with and gradually sold me on. We listed all the features we wanted and found forum software that would allow it. Customizing the look and feel of the software to fit in with the theme of Leadwerks was a long process, but we finally got a suitable skin made. I am satisfied with the features and functionality of the system, and now we can just leave it be, indefinitely. The data loss does not affect the skin we had developed. The skin will continue to get minor improvements, but those kind of changes are easily performed and rolled back, if need be.


Third, semi-annual tests are needed to make sure data can be restored successfully to a test server. Backups don't help if you wait until you need them to find out they don't work. A test server will be used to install the latest backup on every six months, or before any restoration takes place. Maybe this is overkill, but nothing was supposed to go wrong before, and we found out otherwise.


It seems redundant to say I'm sorry about this occurrence. I know we'll get back to normal, but it hurts pretty bad. The key point is my data backup technique was flawed, so all the backups I've been performing were worthless.





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Well, sometimes this sort of thing just happens. Data is lost and that's it. Hopefully this serves as a reminder to rest of us to backup our stuff.*cough* stuff... I really must set up my own backup system.Hmm, what is a good way to backup mysql stuff?

You should be fine if you just create a backup of the individual database. CPanel full website backup obviously can't be trusted. If it's really important, I would do a test restore on a second server just to make sure the data you are saving can actually be restored.

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Hey Josh,


I'm a web developer, so I know about dealing with these hosting companies. If your web host does not make (at least) weekly backups of your site (including SQL databases) you should drop them and find a new host that does. I've had client's websites get taken down by hackers before, and my host was able to roll back to the Sunday before and fix everything within a couple of hours...


If you are backing up your files yourself, there is an option in Cpanel under "Backups" that allows you to select a specific SQL database that you can backup and download easily. It should download for you a zipped file containing a .sql file, which is the contents of your SQL database.


See attached screenshot.




Hope this helps!

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Thank you Herbert. I am aware of this option. I chose full website backups because I thought it would give a better snapshot of the server at any particular time, the description says it includes MySQL databases, and tech support told me it would include those. I know how to save individual databases, but I didn't know the full website backup didn't actually work. If I had known that, it would have been simple to just save the database individually.

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I understand, yeah I also learned that the hard way :\

If you need any help with web programming and the like, feel free to PM me with any questions, I'd be glad to help out :)

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We could develop the website from scratch as a community project :)

It's quaranteed easier and faster to make, than to screw around with some buggy BBS software whose developers destroy useful features in each patch.


Josh should focus on LE3 only, and not waste his time with things which he is not good at. Let the people who have skills do those web sites.

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So right now you should be asking your host for free weekly full backups. If they're not giving you anything for telling you everything is A-OK when its not AND not performing backups anyway (What the hell happens if the DC your server is in is destroyed, or the storage hardware dies?) then you're seriously being ripped off.

I'm also not sure why you're, again, taking it upon yourself to come up with a backup solution - This stuff should be completely automated.

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It's InMotion Hosting. They're a very well rated host that is supposed to specialize in business hosting, which is why I chose them. I'm paying $75 a month for a virtual private server. The speed and everything else has been great, until now. Got a call this evening, but it doesn't sound like they have anything else to try. I don't know if anyone is working on the problem or what they are attempting. I think they just look at it as "oh well, that's only one customer that might not renew, no big deal". If their normal protocol is to only run daily backups, and only on sites with less than 10 gb, and all the backups I saved don't actually contain the data in question, then there is nowhere that data could be retrieved from.

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I'm uploading another backup from January, but there's nothing useful in it. It's mostly just to prove to them none of the backups generated contain the databases.

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The robotic responses I get are maddening. "we're sorry but this backup does not contain any databases. If you have any other backups you would like us to restore we'll be happy to try them".

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I'm just waiting for the next formulaic response so I can ask them what they think of having a backup system with a 100.0% failure rate (3 out of 3, so far).

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Well not sure what cPanel version you are using, but my hosting company(the one I own), does use the cPanel backup, they are weekly, and I have used it for a FULL server restore, which did work, and yes ALL the databases where there also. We also include ALL websites, not just this 10GB stuff, that most crappy hosts do. "Why are you selling unlimited hosting, if you can't provide it?" That's my question....


This is a HARD fact to learn the hard way. I'm sorry Josh, that sucks, but I would be finding a new host if I was you!

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Businesses/Hosts that offer unlimited disk space, like SpexHost, is legit. Just because it says "unlimited disk space" doesn't mean you can use it as your personal pack rat storage dump. If you want to store terabytes of worthless content/data, buy another hard drive, not an unlimited disk space hosting package. As long as everything stored is related to the websites you're publishing then you're following the ToS/ToU.


However, at the same time, I do agree that you should be weary of hosts that offer specials and other gimmicks. Starting a hosting "company" blew up years ago, now there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of them now. It's hard to tell who is legit and who is in it for "easy" money.


I didn't just jump up and buy an account with SpexHost because it said unlimited disk (not to mention I rent from other hosts as well who don't offer unlimited disk). I went through the usual trail, talked to the owner, talked to the employee's, asked hundreds of questions, paid on a per month (non-subscription) basis to test them out (30-day is worthless, you learn nothing of a host in 30 days), before finally purchasing for a full year; fantastic people running a fantastic business.

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Its time to move Josh, seriously man. How can you continue to pay these people who give you seemingly zero actual support. Thats just nuts.

YOu might want to take a look at Dreamhost - These guys really know their stuff. They don't use cPanel (They do have an importer however). They built up their own seriously awesome management system themselves.

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I think InMotion is competing with, and in the same league as, GoDaddy and the other cheap hosts. Like GoDaddy, they have more expensive options, but their primary focus is on expanding and getting people to open up their $6 hosting for their blog. They're very well-rated, and probably the best of the bottom-of-the-barrel competitors, but I think their reputation is probably based on affiliate link sites. Our service with them was not cheap, but the fact they even offer budget hosting means they are focused on low-quality expansion. It would be like if Mercedes started selling an economy car.


I'm leaning towards WiredTree at the moment. They don't do any low-cost hosting, which presumably means real businesses are their primary focus, and the speed tests we tried are giving good results.


I appreciate the offers from several members here for hosting, but I would prefer to keep that separate. Things often go wrong so I'd like to keep the web hosting company a separate entity that can be ditched if need be.

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