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Pressing the Record Button




The best way to learn is to teach others. Is what a wise sig once said.


I wanted to do a tutorial on enviornments. But honestly I'm just not ready. I think only a pro is good enough to do a tut like that.


Someone like this fellow right here: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=77485&page=4


And I've tried to hit the record button while modeling, UV'ing, sculpting, texturing.


And it's all just not something I'm ready for. Pressing the record button just makes me worse than I already am. Because I like to improvise. And for a nooby to try to tell others how to do something through improvising is just kind of dumb if you ask me. :)


There is never really a modeling phase, or texturing phase or anything like that, even though I was trying to record a tut in phases. But instead I just kind of bee bop boop boop around until maybe I get somewhere that isn't terribad.


So yeah right now pressing record button is probably not the brightest idea. But instead if I manage to get somewhere that's not terribad. I can just show some timelapse screenshots or something.


So yeah, no tut about enviornments.


I do have some fail tutorial footage but it would be a waste of time to upload. :)





Recommended Comments

I wouldn't per definition say that your tutorials are bad pancakes! First of all, your previous tutorials were very good and have proven to be quite useful. Besides that I am interested in to what you have to say about environment designing.

There are always people out there (sounds creapy :S) who are completely new to everything and can really use every single video even when you think it is not important.

third: lets say the tutorials is fail: we all have a good laugh and you are on your way for a next youtube hit! XD

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