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Mipmaps caution light. Check your drivers, sir!




Periodically I'll create a debug build to see if any OpenGL errors popup and sure enough one did. Tthe MFD buffer mip-maps are created after rendering the contents with a call to buffer.GetColorBuffer().GenMipMaps()


Not much had changed except some additional meshes, animations, all the specular maps, actually quite a lot of material changes to the interior and exterior this past week. But the debug ran fine after building and running it on the laptop. My desktop wasn't having any of it.


EF2000, EECH Enemy Engaged Comanche Hokum and others, not working right? Please update your drivers. So what did I fail to do on my desktop that I did recently on the laptop (due to installing a Windows 7 upgrade). Yup, update my drivers. And lo, all is now well and good.


The moral is, always heed ones own advice. Check your drivers.


Still a little curious as to what was wrong with mipmaps in those drivers. I wonder how well auto-generation of mipmaps are supported across cards and is there a safer way to test it?4946580266235927217-8373719650847767898?l=combathelo.blogspot.com





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There are about three different ways of generating mipmaps on the GPU, and they all have their own individual driver issues. This is one the reasons I opted to support DDS textures exclusively, with their pre-calculated mipmaps. I recommend calculating your mipmaps on the CPU because I think the GPU-based methods are unreliable.

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There are about three different ways of generating mipmaps on the GPU, and they all have their own individual driver issues. This is one the reasons I opted to support DDS textures exclusively, with their pre-calculated mipmaps. I recommend calculating your mipmaps on the CPU because I think the GPU-based methods are unreliable.


I didn't want to read that. 6 dynamic textures need updating. I've not looked in detail at what is involved in generating them by hand. Blending and offsetting texels.

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