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Time is an illusion, game-time doubly so.




Combat-Helo presents a persistent world, day-time / night-time mission capability where you can stand around your base with your thumb up your rear-end. The game's heartbeat is the day cycle clock from which all missions, AI entity start/stop times, spawn times. All operate as offsets from mission start time. This presents the issue of real-time vs game time.


To offer variety of day/night operations in a real-time game could be tedious. I want to fly a night mission, but it's noon, I can't. If mission clocks are running there's two options, kill the mission and advance time, or interpolate mission outcome as if they proceeded (can you open this can of worms for me please?)


The alternative is to adopt MMO time where game-time has no parity with real-time. 4 hours of real time = a full day-night cycle. In a military game, I don't think so.


So faced with real-time, how do you ensure everyone gets to play some day and night missions within a reasonable time-frame? Time advance, with constraints. No mission clocks can be running. This means everyone will need to be within the base compound with no active missions before a time advance option can be used. I can't think of any other easy way around it.


The time-advance could be applied to your base tent or in the command HQ tent command terminal.4946580266235927217-6730502709008019667?l=combathelo.blogspot.com




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