Cyclone Open For Mods
As a teenager, I've spent thousands of hours with the Source SDK. It was really cool how Valve gave people the real tools to develop and create maps and mods. Overtime I got to see and take apart games to see how they actually work.
Overtime, the indie engine market took over, and making Source mods is now just a terrible experience. Hammer crashes more frequently and the SDK branch of the engine has old bugs that were never patched. I want the excitement I had of making maps and cool features to be part of Cyclone as a package. Leadwerks has a very intuitive interface, and with a Lua Sandbox, many possibilities open up.
As of the last update shipped today, anyone with a license of Leadwerks Game Engine has the ability to create custom maps and scripts and share them with others. This is the first step to see if anyone would be interested if they had the tools in their holster.
There's now a batch file called "create_mod_env.bat" which will create a Leadwerks project within the game directory by default. You can edit the batch file to define a different path if you wish. You'll also receive a few example maps showing the logic of the game. Import the project in Leadwerks, and you should be good to go! When you're ready to share, zip up the map and chapter script and tell people to install it in a folder called "Addons" within the game's directory.
While this is only the first draft of this, I'm interested to see where it will end up. I hope you all find it interesting and motivating.
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