Sprite Layers and the GUI
For finer control over what 2D elements appear on what camera, I have implemented a system of "Sprite Layers". Here's how it works:
- A sprite layer is created in a world.
- Sprites are created in a layer.
- Layers are attached to a camera (in the same world).
The reason the sprite layer is linked to the world is because the render tweening operates on a per-world basis, and it works with the sprite system just like the entity system. In fact, the rendering thread uses the same RenderNode class for both.
I have basic GUI functionality working now. A GUI can be created directly on a window and use the OS drawing commands, or it can be created on a sprite layer and rendered with 3D graphics. The first method is how I plan to make the new editor user interface, while the second is quite flexible. The most common usage will be to create a sprite layer, attach it to the main camera, and add a GUI to appear in-game. However, you can just as easily attach a sprite layer to a camera that has a texture render target, and make the GUI appear in-game on a panel in 3D. Because of these different usages, you must manually insert events like mouse movements into the GUI in order for it to process them:
while true do local event = GetEvent() if event.id == EVENT_NONE then break end if event.id == EVENT_MOUSE_DOWN or event.id == EVENT_MOUSE_MOVE or event.id == EVENT_MOUSE_UP or event.id == EVENT_KEY_DOWN or event.id == EVENT_KEY_UP then gui:ProcessEvent(event) end end
You could also input your own events from the mouse position to create interactive surfaces, like in games like DOOM and Soma. Or you can render the GUI to a texture and interact with it by feeding in input from VR controllers.
Because the new 2D drawing system uses persistent objects instead of drawing commands the code to display elements has changed quite a lot. Here is my current button script. I implemented a system of abstract GUI "rectangles" the script can create and modify. If the GUI is attached to a sprite layer these get translated into sprites, and if it is attached directly to a window they get translated into system drawing commands. Note that the AddTextRect doesn't even allow you to access the widget text directly because the widget text is stored in a wstring, which supports Unicode characters but is not supported by Lua.
--Default values widget.pushed=false widget.hovered=false widget.textindent=4 widget.checkboxsize=14 widget.checkboxindent=5 widget.radius=3 widget.textcolor = Vec4(1,1,1,1) widget.bordercolor = Vec4(0,0,0,0) widget.hoverbordercolor = Vec4(51/255,151/255,1) widget.backgroundcolor = Vec4(0.2,0.2,0.2,1) function widget:MouseEnter(x,y) self.hovered = true self:Redraw() end function widget:MouseLeave(x,y) self.hovered = false self:Redraw() end function widget:MouseDown(button,x,y) if button == MOUSE_LEFT then self.pushed=true self:Redraw() end end function widget:MouseUp(button,x,y) if button == MOUSE_LEFT then self.pushed = false if self.hovered then EmitEvent(EVENT_WIDGET_ACTION,self) end self:Redraw() end end function widget:OK() EmitEvent(EVENT_WIDGET_ACTION,self) end function widget:KeyDown(keycode) if keycode == KEY_ENTER then EmitEvent(EVENT_WIDGET_ACTION,self) self:Redraw() end end function widget:Start() --Background self:AddRect(self.position, self.size, self.backgroundcolor, false, self.radius) --Border if self.hovered == true then self:AddRect(self.position, self.size, self.hoverbordercolor, true, self.radius) else self:AddRect(self.position, self.size, self.bordercolor, true, self.radius) end --Text if self.pushed == true then self:AddTextRect(self.position + iVec2(1,1), self.size, self.textcolor, TEXT_CENTER + TEXT_MIDDLE) else self:AddTextRect(self.position, self.size, self.textcolor, TEXT_CENTER + TEXT_MIDDLE) end end function widget:Draw() --Update position and size self.primitives[1].position = self.position self.primitives[1].size = self.size self.primitives[2].position = self.position self.primitives[2].size = self.size self.primitives[3].size = self.size --Update the border color based on the current hover state if self.hovered == true then self.primitives[2].color = self.hoverbordercolor else self.primitives[2].color = self.bordercolor end --Offset the text when button is pressed if self.pushed == true then self.primitives[3].position = self.position + iVec2(1,1) else self.primitives[3].position = self.position end end
This is arguably harder to use than the Leadwerks 4 system, but it gives you advanced capabilities and better performance that the previous design did not allow.
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